Chapter Twenty-Five

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No One's P.O.V

Secret woke up to the sound of yelling from her two brothers. She quickly rushed downstairs, sleep slowing her down a bit. She walked into the living room to see Stefan holding Damon onto the ground. "Get off of me!!" Damon demanded, neither of the brothers noticing Secret yet. "You're not doing this." Stefan slammed Damon into a wall, holding him by his black shirt.

Secret quickly moved out of the way, standing far behind them. "Just did." Damon replied. Stefan went and slammed Damon against a wall in the hallway, Secret following behind silently. "You know what happen to Rose, Stefan." Damon pointed out. "I don't care." Secret tried to remember what happened to Rose, to figure out what they're talking about.

Secret gasped a she remembered, werewolf bite. Both Damon and Stefan whipped their heads over to look at Secret. "Damon?" Her eyes started to water, her bottom lip quivering. "You have a werewolf bite?" Tears freely flowed down her face. Stefan turned back to Damon and quickly raced downstairs to the cellar and throwing him in, Secret right behind him as he went.

"You're not dying today." Stefan spoke as he locked the door after he slammed it shut. "What's the plan, Superman?" Damon asked sarcastically. "I'm gonna find a way out of this." Stefan assured, ignoring Damon's slight glare. "Oh, right. A miracle cure. Good luck with that one." Secret sniffed as she was still crying, but wanting to listen in on the conversation, afraid she would be left out on something important.

"I got Bonnie looking for something, anything." Stefan replied, his face barely showing any emotion. "Always the hero, Stefan." He looked over at Secret as he spoke his next sentence. "Just tell me goodbye, get it over with." He half way pleaded, masking it by making his voice sound annoyed. "Don't say that." Secret whispered, gaining the attention of both of her brothers.

Damon started going into a coughing fit, causing secret to quickly unlock the door and run in. She landed on her knees right next to him, rubbing his back comfortingly. She held back a gasp as she saw him cough out blood in his hand. "Lie still." Stefan spoke, the door still open as he waited for his sister to come back out.

"Conserve your strength." Stefan waited by the door for Secret, not wanting to leave without her. "Go on bear, you can't stay in here all day." Damon said weakly as she helped him sit up. Secret's tears were flowing again, but not as bad as before. "I love you, Day. I'll help get you out of this." She assured as she kissed his forehead.

Secret walked out the door and closed it, Stefan locking it. "I'm going to go get in the shower." She whispered to Stefan as she slowly made her way up the stairs, taking her time. "Okay." She smiled at him when they reached the top of the stairs. "Love you." She spoke, kissing his cheek before going up the stairs, still walking at a human pace.

Secret got out her outfit, laying it on her bed as she dried her body off. She let her towel drop to the floor as she changed, using her speed to go faster.

Secret sighed as she went grabbed a hair tie, putting her hair up into a sloppy ponytail

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Secret sighed as she went grabbed a hair tie, putting her hair up into a sloppy ponytail. She went downstairs, passing the cell that Damon was in, and to the fridge in the back. She quickly took out a two blood bags, one for herself, and one for her older brother.

"Here you go." She unlocked the door and walked in, setting it down next to him. Damon gave her a small smile before taking the blood bag. "I'll come back later." She assured him before leaving, locking the door after it was shut. She used her speed to go upstairs, drinking out of her blood bag.

Not even a minute later Stefan came into her room, throwing a jacket on. "Want to come with me to go meet up with Bonnie in the old witch house?" Secret nodded, throwing the empty blood bag onto her floor. Stefan rolled his eyes at his older sister's sloppiness. "You really shouldn't just throw stuff around." Secret ignored him as she threw on her leather jacket.

"Come on, Loser." She walked past him and used her speed to get to the house. Stefan appeared at her side within seconds. "I will never get over how creepy this place is." Secret whispered as Stefan walked in. Secret walked up to the door but stopped and looked around. "Is it alright with you if I come in?" She asked, not wanting to enter without permission, even though she could do so easily.

A few seconds later a strong wind pushed her into the house, Stefan rolling his eyes. "Hey, I was doing the respectful thing!" She defended her actions as they walked to the basement where Bonnie was currently sitting. "Hey, Bons." Secret greeted as she sat down next to the witch, kissing her cheek as a greeting. "I missed ya." Secret winked at the witch, causing Bonnie to let out a small laugh.

Bonnie went quiet before looking in between the two siblings. "I'm not sure this is going to work." She admitted, not wanting to give the false hope. "You've done a séance before, right, contacted Emily Bennett." Stefan asked. "Maybe one of the witches might know how to help Damon." Secret said hopefully as she looked around the room with a pleading face, hoping the witches will help.

"Let's just hope they want to." Bonnie commented as she looked at the candles before Secret got up. Secret held out a hand to Bonnie, to which she took, and pulled her gently onto her feet, Stefan standing too. "You got this, Bon Bon."  Secret whispered before she joined Stefan's side, giving the witch some space to do her thing. "Phesmatos Manex Un Domo Hax, Fero Adievex." Bonnie whispered in Latin, repeating it multiple times.

Secret looked at the white candles warily as the flames kept getting bigger. She never like fire, seeing as her father had burned her multiple times with it as a "punishment". "Bonnie." Stefan whispered, bringing Secret out of her thoughts. "Emily." Bonnie opened her eyes, Emily using her body to speak to them. "Why have you come here?" She demanded as she glanced between the two, her eyes softening when she saw Secret.

"We need your help." Secret started, a hopeful glint in her eyes. "We need to know if there's a spell that can heal a werewolf bite." Emily almost felt bad for Secret as she spoke next. "No." Emily replied, emotion wiped from her face. "Nature ensures a balance to everything." Secret's face fell as the words crashed into her. "Is that true?.." Stefan asked, glancing at his older sister.

"Or are you just saying no because it's Damon?" Secret's harsh words flew out of her mouth before she could stop them, a glare settled onto her face. "Perhaps it's his time to die." Secret's eyes went big as she stared at the girl. "No. That's not balance. That's punishment." Secret denied, hoping she could sway Emily onto their side. "I will not give you what you want." Her face stayed hard, causing Secret's anger to grow, along with her sadness.

"So you're saying that there is an answer to give?" Stefan immediately asked. "Please if you know something, just tell me." Secret begged, taking Emily's hand into hers. "Help us save our brother." Secret's eyes started to fill with tears, but she didn't dare let them fall. Suddenly she screamed and hunched over, clutching her head. Secret immediately moved to hold her wait, helping her stay up.

Secret gently sat her onto the floor. "Emily? Emily please just give me an answer." She begged, hoping the witch was still there. "They don't want us here." Bonnie spoke, clutching her head as she took control over her body once again. Secret looked down at the floor, anger rushing through her. "They think I'm abusing their power." Secret clutched her hands into fists, her finger nails digging into her palms.

"They know something, there's an answer." Stefan assured. "They just don't want to tell us." He spoke, slight hatred seeping into his words. "I heard them say a name." Secret's head snapped up and she grabbed ahold of Bonnie's arm, her grip tight, but not enough to leave a bruise. "Tell me." Secret demanded, a few tears escaping her eyes.

"Klaus." Bonnie whispered, causing Secret to let go of her arm out of surprise. "Klaus fucking Mikaelson, of course." She groaned as she stood up, helping Bonnie up with her. "Of course it has to be him."

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