Chapter Forty

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No One's P.O.V

Secret woke up to Stefan yelling at Gloria. She tried to move her limbs but couldn't. "What is this?" She demanded as she breathed heavily. "Why can't I move." She looked at her limbs, not seeing anything tying them down. "Relax. It's just a little paralysis spell." Gloria told her as she walked over to Stefan. "Let her go, Gloria!" Stefan yelled at the witch.

"Nothing major." She pressed the knife into Stefan's wrist, cutting down to get as much blood as possible. Stefan grunted as he tried to move his arm away. "Just got to get the information out of your pretty little head." She walked around to Stefan's other wrist, doing the same thing. "I'm going to kill you!" Secret glared at Gloria as she kept trying to move her body. "You know, witches nowadays, they're into that new age stuff, but... I'm a little more old school voodoo." Stefan let out more pain filled grunts, not giving her the satisfaction of her screaming.

"Mmm. This will stop the pesky healing." She grabbed something and forced it into the cut, making Stefan scream as a few tears fell from his eyes. "I won't tell you anything." He yelled at her more as Gloria did the same thing to his other arm. "You don't have to." Stefan let out more anguished screams.

"You feel that? That's your essence. Your spirit. It lets me make a connection. Herbs help, too." She turned around to her little table next to her. "Diviners, sage, witch hazel. Ahh. But my personal favorite... vervain." She pressed her hand against Stefan's open chest, having taken the guy's shirt off earlier. Stefan screamed as loud as he could, Secret was sobbing now. "Let him go! I'll kill you!" She yelled at the witch.

"I'm impressed. You've got discipline, Stefan. It's not going to do you much good, but...just let go, Honey." She rubbed something on her hands. She placed them back on his chest, earning more screams seeing as he couldn't move his body away from Gloria. "There we go. There we go." Secret screamed and yelled at Gloria as her tears blurred her vision.

"There's the girl with the necklace. You love her. You'd do anything for her. And you have. A lot of darkness, a lot of guilt. All to keep her away from Klaus. Why would he be inter in one girl?" She asked Stefan. "Don't do this. Don't do this." He begged her as tears filled his eyes. "She's the doppelgänger." Gloria gasped as she found out and took her hands off of Stefan.

"She's supposed to be dead, and that's why Klaus can't make hybrids, isn't it?" She pieced it together out loud, letting out a small laugh. "Well, this is creepy." Katherine stated as she shoved a knife into Gloria's neck as she turned around. Secret let out a sigh of relief as she was finally allowed to move. "Maybe you do need my help, after all." Secret ran over to Stefan, cringing when she saw the state he was in.


Stefan was know healed up and him and Secret were putting a blanket over Gloria's body, going to use it to wrap her up in and throw her out. "I'm excited been thinking about your diabolical plan." Katherine started to speak, standing up form Gloriana body. "Oh. Do tell." Stefan encouraged her. "Well, you must know that Klaus is too paranoid to ever fully that you. But the sister, she love you like it was yesterday." Katherine pointed out the obvious.

"She's the easier mark. But you can't just pretend to care, because Klaus will know better." Secret scoffed, she's been doing that the whole time and he hasn't known. From her knowledge. "So you do the opposite. You bond with him; make her feel left out. That will only make her want you more." Katherine told them, smiling at her idea, no doubt thinking she was a genius.

"Oh! So you mean, I'm, uh, I'm taking a page out of the Katherine Pierce playbook." He pointed at her before he knelt back down. "The only question is why, Stefan? I mean, I get it, you want to keep Klaus away from Mystic Falls, but.. what else did you expect to get from it?" She asked him. Secret and Stefan both stood up. "You keep talking to me like I actually trust you enough to tell you anything." He put his hands on his hips, Secret crossing her arms.

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