Chapter Thirty-Three

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No One's P.O.V

"Are you okay? Is Ray getting to heavy?" Klaus asked Stefan in fake concern, seeing how he got on his nerves. "I'm fine." Stefan shortly answered, trying not to get annoyed. "You sure about that? You know, we've been walking for quite some time now." Klaus continued to tease him, enjoying it. "If you need some water or a little sit down." Secret groaned as she pulled on her hair.

"He said he's fine!" She yelled out in frustration, the whole way up it had been like this. "Now stop asking." She demanded as she walked next to Stefan. "You know, I get that we're, uh, we're stuck together, Klaus, but if we could maybe skip the chit-chat, it's be great." Stefan added on, tired of Klaus picking at him and then Secret getting mad at Klaus for doing so. "So much brooding. Your self-loathing is suffocating you, my friend." Klaus stated, annoyance now on his features.

"Maybe it's 'cause I'm a little tired of hunting werewolves. We've been at it all summer." Secret let out a hum of agreement. "Thanks to our pal Ray, we found ourselves a pack." The three stopped right in front of the camp the pack of werewolves were setting up. "There." They walked closer, gaining the people's attention and causing them all to stop what they're doing and stare.

Stefan let Ray fall onto the ground, not wanting to hold him any longer. "Ray! Oh, my god." A woman ran over to him, getting down on her knees and looking him over for a heartbeat. "What's going on?" She whispered as she breathed heavily. A man rushed over to her aid, slowly looking back up at Secret and Stefan who stood in front of them. "Who are you?" The girl asked.

"The important questions is who am I." Klaus stepped out from the trees dramatically, earning an eye roll from Secret. "Drama Queen." She whispered, to which Klaus ignored. "Please forgive the intrusion." Klaus looked up form the girl to the man, smiling at him. "My name is Klaus." He introduced, watching as fear found itself into the man's eyes. The girl slowly stood up as they back away.

"You're the hybrid." She recognized, telling the others who he was. "You've heard of me. Fantastic." He smirked as he saw the fear that covered their faces, their hearts beating rapidly. Secret walked over and sat down on the big log that was right by Ray's body, Stefan and Klaus sitting next to her so she was in the middle of them. "It's fascinating actually, a werewolf who isn't beholden to the moon, a vampire who doesn't burn in the sun. A true hybrid." Klaus looked down at Ray.

Ray gasped as his eyes shot open, rolling on the ground as he gasped for air. "Excellent timing Ray, very dramatic." Secret looked down at the whole. "Just like you." She didn't bother to whisper this time. Klaus sent her a glare, to which she didn't get bothered by, before he got back on subject. "What's happening to me?" He asked as his body kept twitching.

"Stefan, Secret." He looked over at them. Secret sighed as she stood up. "Are any of you human?" She asked as she looked around at them. "Your friend here needs human blood to complete his transition to vampire." Stefan explained as he stood next to her. "If he doesn't get it, he will die." Secret deadpanned as she sniffed, trying to find a human scent through the werewolf ones.

"Doesn't take much, just a sample." Klaus stood up as he spoke. "Anyone? A boyfriend, a girlfriend along for the ride?" He asked as he looked around them. Secret used her speed to appear in front of the guy who was right next to Klaus, the one who went to go help the girl and Ray. "You." She grabbed his wrist before he could back away and sunk her fangs into his arm, making sure to not hit a main artery.

She pushed him down on the ground, straddling him, right next to Ray and shoved his arm right next to Ray's mouth, only inches away. "No!" The girl ran toward Secret but Klaus grabbed her by her throat, stopping her. "If you don't drink it, Ray, Stefan will." Secret informed him as Stefan crouched right next to her. "Problem is I don't know how to stop." Stefan stared down at the open wound, holding himself back.

"It's the new order, Sweetheart. Join us, or you die." Klaus demanded. Secret looked over at them, a frown on her lips. She got off Ray, Stefan holding him down now, and walked over to them. "I'd rather die than be a vampire." She seethed at him. "Wrong choice." His eyes turned golden as the veins under his eyes showed. He bit into his wrist and shoved it onto her mouth, forcing her to drink his blood. He pulled away as she leaned into his chest as he pet her hair.

"She'll thank thank me for that later. Heh." He repeated the same words from the bar. Secret felt something bubbling up in her stomach and grabbed the girl by her hair, snapping her neck in one fluid motion. "Someone's jealous." Klaus teased her. "Shut up, she tried charging at me earlier." Secret weakly used an excuse. Klaus liked some blood off his finger as he stared at Secret. Secret snapped herself out of the trance once he broke eye contact and spoke.

"Okay, who's next?" Blood smeared on his lips as his fangs came out once again, along with the veins under his now golden eyes. Secret quickly looked away before he could catch her staring, knowing that he would never stop teasing her for it. But what can she say? It was hot.


Stefan let that last werewolf, whose neck he just snapped, drop to the floor. "There, good as new." Klaus told the man after he gave him his blood, not wanting his to die just yet. "Now you relax, okay mate?" He compelled him. "we're gonna need you when the rest of them wake up." Klaus stood up from his kneeling position as Stefan leaned against a tree.

Secret sat next to Ray, rubbing his back as she tried comforting him, feeling slightly bad for the werewolf. "They're dead." Ray's shaky voice rang out through the camp. "They're all dead." He shook his head as Secret shushed him, not wanting him to get worked up anymore than he already is. "Ah, he's through his transition. He should be feeling better soon." He told Secret and Stefan as he stared at the wolf. "So is this your master plan? Build an army of hybrid slaves?" Stefan asked.

"No, not slaves." Klaus quickly shot that down. "Soldiers, comrades." He cleared up the idea. "For what war, might I ask?" Stefan asked sarcastically. "Oh you don't arm yourself after war has been declared, Stefan. You build your army so big that no one ever dares pick the fight." Klaus smiled as his idea, he was almost done with it. "What makes you so sure that they'll be loyal?" Stefan asked another question, trying to find a plot hole in his plan.

"Well, it's not difficult to be loyal when you're on the winning team. That's something you'll both learn once you shake that horribly depressive and anger filled chip off you shoulders." Klaus grinned at them as Secret glared at him. Stefan let out an unamused, short laugh as he stepped away from the tree. "That's why you're, uh, you're keeping us around? To witness our attitude adjustment?" He asked in disbelief. Secret ignored Stefan as she grabbed Ray's face looking at the blood coming out of his eyes as he coughed.

"Klaus, look." Klaus crouched down next to her and examined him. "You'll know why I'm keeping you around when I've decided I want you to know." Secret rolled her eyes at their argument, more worried about Ray. "Somethings wrong." Klaus stated after Secret let go of his face. "No shit." She snarky responded.

Stefan grabbed Ray's head and looked at him for a few seconds before he let him go. "That shouldn't be happening, should it?" Stefan asked the most stupid question ever. "Well, obviously." Both Klaus and Secret spoke at the same time. Secret grinned and turned getting ready to fist bump, but realized that Klaus wasn't Damon. She cleared her throat, quickly let her hand drop before he could notice, however Stefan did notice and frowned.

(Again no spelling checks)

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