Chapter Two

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No one's P.O.V

"Thank you Mr. Henry." Elena spoke as she opened the door for him to walk out. Secret hopped down from the wall and walked up to the door with her brothers. They were all stopped by the invisible barrier, because they haven't been invited in yet, as Elena turned around to walk away. Elena faced them once again, feigning innocence.

"I'm sorry, I completely forgot." Secret crossed her arms as a scowl placed its self into her face. "Stefan." Both Damon and Secret looked over at him, Secret's face filled with annoyance along with Damon's. "Would you like to come inside my house?" She asked with a grin. "It's not your house." Secret glared at Elena, earning a glare back from Stefan.

"I would love to, thank you." Stefan grinned as he stepped into the house, walking past Elena and stopping behind her, turning back to look at Secret and Damon. "What are we twelve?" Damon asked with annoyance and a fake smile plastered on his face. Secret looked at them both annoyed, only wanting to get her leather jacket and a blood bag.

"One of us is." Elena spoke, the smile dropping from her face. "Come on in Secret." Secret sighed as she walked in. "Finally." She spoke as she passed Elena, grabbing her leather jacket and speeding to the basement, grabbing a blood bag. She grabbed it and slowly walked back up the stairs while drinking it.

She ignored their conversation as she walked back into the room. Damon was finally welcomed in and he walked past Elena with a sarcastic smile. "Shut up." He spoke to a grinning Stefan as he walked over and grabbed a drink. Bonnie came walking into the room with Elena's backpack and Secret's, her own on her back.

"Where are you going?" Stefan asked as Secret threw away the now empty blood bag and skipped up to Bonnie. "To school." Elena replied. "Sadly." Secret sighed as she took her backpack, kissing Bonnie's cheek as she did so. "Thanks witchy." She winked at Bonnie who grinned.

"Huh?" Stefan asked, pretending he heard that wrong. Damon turned around with his drink. "No, no, no. We didn't create a safe house for you to leave it." Secret rolled her eyes at her two brothers. "Yeah guys, Klaus is out there. We know that right?" Secret scoffed. "Of course we do." She crossed her arms.

"But where? No one knows." Elena pointed out, Bonnie nodding along. "Look I really appreciate what you guys are doing." Elena started as Secret sighed, wanting to leave. "And I'll be able to sleep at night knowing I'll be safe here, but I'm not gonna be a prisoner." When she spoke the word safe she gave a quick glance at Secret, who grinned.

Stefan sighed as he looked back at Damon. Damon made a sarcastic and annoyed look. "Your way, Elena." Bonnie spoke next, defending Elen. "Don't worry, I'll be ready." Bonnie looked between all of them. "If he shows his face, I can take him. I know how." Elena smiled as she looked at both Bonnie and Secret.

"The way I see it, next to Bonnie and Secret is the safest place I can be." Secret nodded, wishing to leave. "Goodbye." Elena spoke as her and Bonnie walked out the door. "Bye brothers." Secret pulled them into a hug and kissed their cheeks. "Damon you owe me food!!" She called out as she walked out of the house, Stefan trailing behind her.

"Wait, I'm coming." Secret grinned at Stefan. "Too good to ditch?" Stefan rolled his eyes and shoved her lightly. Secret smirked and shoved him back harder, sending him to the ground, then ran off with her speed, arriving at the school in seconds. Stefan grinned as he got up and sped there, Elena and Bonnie already driving there.

Secret sat down next to her brother in history class, looking over when Elena held up a small piece of paper talking about the dance. Stefan looked at her and shook his head, even though he knew he would end up taking her anyways. Secret looked at the piece of paper in disgust. "Gross, who goes to those things." She spoke to Stefan.

"Humans do." He replied with a grin before looking at Alaric as he walked in. "Hello, class." Secret rolled her eyes, not wanting class to start since she already knows everything that's gonna be taught. "What are we learning today?" He asked as he looked through his planning book.

Secret raised an eye at this, Alaric always knew what they were learning about. She shrugged it off as a bad day, not wanting to think more of it. "With the decade dance tonight, we've been covering the sixties all week." Dana replied. "Right." Alaric have a small nod. "The sixties." His eyes landed one Elena as she grabbed something out of her bag.

Secret looked between the two as she noticed how long Alaric stared at her. "Do you see this?" She whispered so low that only vampire ears could catch it. Alaric's eyes shot to Secret as she spoke to her brother. "I'm sure it's nothing Secret, relax." Secret turned and stared back at Alaric, raising an eyebrow as a challenge to see who would look away first.

Of course it was Alaric who looked away first and turned to the board. "The uh ahem." He cleared his throat as he wrote on the sixties onto the board. "The sixties." He looked at the writing before turning around. "I wish there was something good I could say about the sixties, but... actually, they kind of sucked.

Secret didn't think the sixties were too bad, but it wasn't the worlds best decade. "Except for the Beatles, of course. They made it bearable. Uh what else is there?" He question as he walked with his hands clasped behind his back. Secret noted that as another thing he doesn't usually do. "The Cuban middle thing, the uh, we walked on the moon. There was watergate."

Secret rolled her eyes as she spoke, cutting off Elena before she could speak. "Watergate was in the seventies." She stated, staring him down with an amused grin. Alaric looked back at her as the rest of the class did, use to her comments. "Right." He smiled as he made a gesture with his hands.

"It all kind of mushed together up here, the sixties, the seventies. Thank you Secret." Secret grinned, and nodded sarcastically. "You're welcome captain." She made a salute gesture and the class all smiled at her, her brother included.

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