Chapter Nine

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No One's P.O.V.

Elena's cellphone started to vibrate, causing everyone to look at it. Secret grabbed it before Elena could, looking at the ID that had Stefan's name and a bunch of Emojis. The two quickly turned to look at her as she answered the call. "Where are you and Secret. Are you two okay?" Stefan demanded before she could get a word out.

Secret rolled her eyes at her brother. "Yes we are fine, Stefan." She spoke, annoyed. "Where's Elijah, Secret?!" Stefan demanded again. "He's right here, brother." She spoke, her voice laced heavily with annoyance. "Where? I'm on my way." Secret groaned before giving the phone to Elena.

"Didn't even ask how my morning was." She grumbled, earning a small smile from Elijah that disappeared as quick as it came. "No, Stefan, Elijah and I need some time alone." Elena shot his idea down as quick as she could. "Listen to me. He can't be trusted." Stefan tried to persuade her.

Secret sighed as she laid down in the back seat, waiting to get out of the car to stretch. "He'll use you to get to Klaus." Elijah watched in somewhat amusement at Stefan's claims. Elena started at Elijah for a few seconds before responding, not breaking eye contact with him.

"Elijah is a noble man, Stefan. He lives by a code of honor. I can trust him." She spoke to Stefan and Elijah, letting them both know. "He knows I'd be incredibly stupid to betray him again." Elijah looked in front of him as she spoke. Secret snickered from the back seat. "You got that right, Gilbert." She grinned as she looked up at the roof of the car.

"By removing the dagger, I have proven myself." She spoke, kind of questioning Elijah with the sentence. "You can't do this alone." Elena sighed slightly. "It's my decision, Stefan. Please respect it. I have Secret with me anyways." She added in the last part to try and reassure him. "And make sure that Damon doesn't do anything stupid." Secret spoke, knowing he could hear her clearly.

"I'll be in touch." Elena finished before ending the call. Elijah held his hand out, waiting for her phone. Elena looked at his hand before looking at him, to which Elijah gave a crooked nod at her. Elena sat her phone into his palm as Secret sat up. "Do you want mine too?" She asked as she held it out.

Elijah looked at her, covering up all emotion from his face, as he reached four and took her phone too. He opened his suit jacket slightly and put the two phones in a hidden pocket on the inside. He looked at the two before looking in front of him again.

"He's here." Elijah's head snapped over to Elena. "Klaus is here?" He asked, still no emotion showing itself yet. Elena nodded while Secret leaned toward the front of the car. "He's taken over Alaric's body. You know, the history teacher." She clarified for him incase he didn't know who she was speaking of, even though he did.

"Of course he has." Anger slowly shimmered onto Elijah's features as he looked outside once again. "One of his favorite tricks." He has a small frown set on his face when he looked back at Elena. "Well, what are his other tricks?" Secret asked curiously as her head rest on her two hands.

"What is he going to do next? You're the only one that knows him." Elena added on worriedly. Elijah stared at a part of the car before responding seconds later. "Yes, I do." His response was simple as he though back into his memories. Secret looked around the car as she waited for them to talk again.

"Can we get out of the car?" Secret finally asked, earning a short nod from Elijah. They all got out of the car, Secret the first to get out to stretch her tired limbs. After stretching her limbs they all walked up to the house they parked in front of, Elijah reaching forward and ringing the doorbell.

"Elijah!" Mrs. Lockwood opened the door with surprise on her features. "Elena, Secret, what are you doing here?" Secret gave a smirk to Mrs. Lockwood and a little wave with her fingers. "What happened?" She asked, now confused about Elijah's clothing that was all torn up.

"I've had a bit of an incident, Carol." He replied as his hands were clasped in front of him. "I'm hoping you could help." The corners of his mouth moved up a bit. "Well, I'm on my way to a meeting, so I-." She was cut of by Elijah who stepped forward, compelling her.

"It won't take but a minute of your time." Carol fell into the effects of the compulsion and smiled. "Of course. Whatever you need." She opened the door wider for them to walk in as she stepped out of the way. "Thank you." Elijah walked into the house as he looked down at his torn up suit.

"Well, first things first. I'm going to need a change of clothing." Carol shut the door behind them. "Well, we can try one of my husband's suits." She suggested hopefully. "I haven't boxed them up yet." Elijah smiled at her. "Wonderful." Mrs. Lockwood smiles back before going upstairs to retrieve the clothing, leaving the trio alone.

"How did you know she's not on vervain?" Elena questioned, confused, while Secret leaned against the wall. "Because I'm the one who got her off of it. Right before you and you're friends killed me. Twice." He looked over at Secret and Elena. Secret stood up from the wall, quickly becoming defensive, since she does not liking being accused of something.

"I have nothing to do with either of those." She glared at him slightly as she crossed her arms. Elijah focused his eyes onto Secret. "It's seems you haven't." He hummed as he looked back through his memories. He now looked back at Elena. "If you'll excuse me, I'll be down in a moment."

He then went up the stairs and to where Carol went, going to get some new clothes on, leaving the vampire and doppelgänger in the room by themselves. Elena glanced over at Secret who just shrugged at her.

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