Chapter Seven

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No One's P.O.V

"No, no, no, no , no , no, no, no!" Elena sobbed as she held onto Bonnie's body. "Stefan get Elena out of here. I'll deal with the body." Damon spoke up. Elena looked up at him in shock. "What do you mean, deal with it?!" Elena asked in anger and sadness. Damon walked forward, Secret staying by the doorway and watching silently, she was never good with death.

"The sheriff can't know about this." Damon claimed as he walked towards Bonnie's body. "Last thing we need is another mysterious death." He picked up the dead Bonnie, taking it away from Elena. "This is Bonnie!!" She yelled out as she grabbed his arm, stopping him.

He turned to Stefan. "Get her home. Now." Stefan looked down at Elena, then Bonnie, then over at Secret. "So I can clean this up." Damon spoke through gritted teeth. Stefan knelt down next to Elena. "Hey, hey, hey." Stefan spoke as he picked her up onto her feet. "No. Jermey." She spoke in realization as she stood up on her own.

"Oh my god, Jermey! What about Jermey?" Secret honestly forgot all about Jermey, she was focused on what was going on currently that she didn't even think of the kid. "Secret will help me find him." Secret used her speed to appear next to Damon and she nodded, confirming she'll help.

"No!!" Elena sobbed out as Stefan had to literally drag her away from Bonnie's corpse. Damon swiftly moved his hand over her opened eyes, closing them. "Let's put her in then back seat." Damon spoke as he walked out of the back door of the school, Bonnie's body limp in his arms.

Secret nodded and opened the door, allowing Damon to slide her body in. "Secret!! Hey, I got your message, I can't find anyone!" Jermey yelled out as he ran up to them. Damon nodded at her before getting into the car and driving off, leaving Secret with Jermey.

"Where's Elena? Where's Bonnie?" Jermey asked as he watched Damon pull away in confusion before turning his attention back to her. "We need to have a little talk." Secret's voice was gentle and quiet, something very unusual for the loud and obnoxious she usual speaks in.

Jermey looked at her in worry and in confusion until it hit him. "Bonnie..." he whispered, his voice cracking as he said her name, tears sliding down his cheeks. "Wait." She spoke, grabbing his attention. She quickly explained everything then ran him to where Bonnie's body was, still explaining everything that happened.


They both walked through the door and Elena immediately stood up. "What did you do with her?!" She demanded as her tears flowed freely out of her eyes. "Can you please calm her down?" Damon asked Stefan as he walked farther into the room, Secret walking over and pouring a glass of bourbon.

"Don't talk like I'm not standing right in front of you!" Elena yelled at him. "Please calm down." Damon spoke slowly, but Elena ignored him. "You knew, you both knew!!" She glanced at Secret before looking back at Damon. "You two knew that if she harnessed all of that power, that she would die, didn't you." Elena accuses him.

Damon and Secret both said yes, while Secrets was quieter, not wishing to take the attention onto her. "Yes, I knew." He responded as he looked at Elena, his eyes glassy. Elena quickly slapped him across the face, the sound echoing throughout the house. Stefan sighed as Damon quickly turned his head back to face her, the slap not hurting him.

"You need to listen to me, and prepare for what I'm about to say." He spoke calmly as Secret went over and stood next to Stefan, still drinking her glass of bourbon. "Bonnie had to die." Damon started to explain, Stefan and Elena listening intently while Secret refilled her glass of bourbon.

"Klaus using Alaric's body was a total surprise." Secret spoke as she put the glass cap back into the bottle, Stefan and Elena turning their attention to her. "She wasn't prepared for that, none of us were. And he wasn't going to stop, and we weren't going to be able to stop him until he knew that she was dead." Elena started tearing up again as she listened.

"He had to believe it Elena." Secret took a drink out of her glass before continuing as Elena started to put it together. "She cast a spell. Bonnie's okay." Elena looked at her in surprise, turning to Damon for confirmation, to which he nodded. Damon turned around and walked away, going to his room in the house.

Secret quickly downed the rest of her drink before sitting it down on one of the many tables they had. "I'm going to go to bed, I suggest you all do the same." She didn't use her speed to get up to her room, she was too tired to use the energy. Once she finally made it to her room she walked over to her closet and got out her pajamas.

She changed out of the old sixties outfit and into some black shorts and a grey camisole, leaving the dirty clothes on the floor. She hadn't taken a shower today but she was too tired to do it now, so she decided she'll do it sometime tomorrow. She walked over to her unmade bed and climbed into it, pulling the covers up to her chin.

She sighed as her muscles relaxed, pushing all of the events that happened today to the back of her mind. She slowly felt her eyes close and her breathing even out, slipping into a welcoming, warm, deep sleep.

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