Chapter Sixty

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Third Person P.O.V

"Let's say I do leave them here, under your protection. What then?" Klaus stood up and grabbed his glass. "How long before one of you turns her into a vampire? Or worse. How long before she dies, caught between your feuding?" He referred to Elena. "You see, each one of you truly believes that you're the one that can protect her."

Klaus leaned onto Secret's chair, his arms resting on her shoulders as he held his glass, despite her trying to push his arms away. "And that is simply a delusion. Or what about when you push Secret too far? When she no longer wants anything to do with either one of you? Tired of constantly helping in your crazed lives?" Klaus asked.

Secret knew he was right, she was on the verge of breaking because of her brothers. "Gentlemen... the worst thing for Elena Gilbert and your sister is... the two of you." Klaus smirked at them. Stefan glared while Damon gave a sarcastic smile, glancing at his sister, seeing her caught in her own thoughts.

"I'm going to get some air." Damon got up and walked outside. "Let me deal with this." Elijah walked after Damon." Secret sighed as she tilted her head back to look up at Klaus. "Mm. Hmm, all this talk has made me thirsty." Klaus looked over at the woman in the gold top, her walking over to him.

"What do you say, Stefan? Can I interest you in a little after dinner drink?" Klaus asked as he pushed the woman's blonde hair away from her neck. Klaus sunk his teeth into the girl's neck, Secret rolling her head, cracking it as it felt stiff. Klaus pulled away after her got enough, holding the woman's weight. "Mmm. Delicious." Secret watched the blonde fall down.

"Aged to perfection." Secret glanced up at Klaus, watching as he wiped the blood dripping from his lips and licked it off his finger. Secret let a small smile grace her lips, she thought that was insanely attractive. Secret stood up as her phone rang. "I'll be back." She walked off inside the house, answering Elena's call.

"What happened now?" Secret asked, her voice full of irritation. "Someone stabbed Alaric. I had to kill him so he would come back." Elena's voice was frantic. "What?" Secret felt a ping of worry develop. "Matt and I found blood on the walls and floor, he was upstairs with one of his knives in his stomach." Elena explained.

Secret sighed as she placed her hand on her hip. "Okay, we won't be back for at least a tiny bit longer, we're trying to wrap this up. I'll come straight to the house after, keep a knife with you, and make sure you have vervain." Secret then hung up, hearing Damon and Elijah walk back in. She sped down to where they were, standing next to Klaus. "What do you say Klaus? Time for you to put something on the table." Damon told him.

"We've made our offer. Now you counter." Damon stood next to Stefan. "Ok." Klaus walked over to one of the seats and sat down. "I offer Elena's future happiness. You see, what she needs right now is to be rid of you lot, and to fall in love with a human. Maybe that nice football player, you know, the blonde one." Secret frowned in distaste as Klaus looked at Elijah.

"Matt Donovan? Really?" She hated anything including Matt. "Yeah, why not? They'll marry, live a long and fruitful life, and pop out a perfect family." Klaus offered. "And continue the Petrova bloodline." Stefan pointed the idea out of Klaus'a plan. "Every few hundred years you'll have a new doppelgänger to drain and never ruin out of hybrids. Right, Klaus?" Stefan asked.

"Consider it a small return on my investment in her well-being. Secret, of course, will be going with me and live the best life only I could ever offer her, one full of happiness and zero worry, unlike how she is with you two." Klaus grinned. "See, after you hand me back the coffin, I'll ensure her safety for the rest of her natural life. You know it's what's best for her, for them." Secret crossed her arms as she actually considered it.

"So... what do you say, Stefan? Hmm?" Klaus got up and walked a bit closer to him. "Do we have a deal?" Klaus asked. Stefan walked over to Klaus. "What are you doing?" Both Damon and Secret asked in confusion. Klaus held his hand o it, awaiting Stefan's. Stefan grabbed Klaus's hand while Klaus grinned.

"Nice try, Klaus. But no deal." Klaus quickly broken Stefan's hand out of anger and broke his leg, causing Stefan to drop onto his knees as he yelled in pain. Klaus forced Stefan's hand into the fireplace. Elijah grabbed Damon by the neck, preventing him from doing anything. "What are you doing?!" Damon demanded.

Secret watched as Stefan was in pain, a small smile on her face as she felt satisfaction. "Stop!" Damon yelled at Klaus. "Now bring me my coffin before I burn him alive." Damon glanced over at Secret, but noticed she wasn't going to do anything to stop Klaus. "I'll get it." Damon glared at Klaus before leaving. "Go with him, brother. You keep him honest. When you return I will make good on my promise to you and I will hand over our family." Klaus promised.

Elijah left. "Don't just stand there! Help me!" Stefan yelled at Secret, Klaus turning his attention onto her. "Remember that ride on the bridge, Stefan? Or maybe one of the talks we had when your humanity was off. Let's not forget our entire childhood. You deserve more than that, you deserve to rot in fucking hell." Secret spat out at him, Klaus holding a proud grin.

"That's my girl!" Secret looked over at Klaus. "Don't even get me started on you. You don't even apologize for trying to make me pick sides! Then you mention that bitch Tatia. 'An exquisite beauty'." Secret glared. "Those were Elijah's words, not mine." Klaus pointed out. "Doesn't help you agreed with him!" Secret yelled at him.

"It's been a long time since then, Secret. I would choose you over her in a heartbeat." Secret frowned. "You would?" Klaus smiled and held his free arm out. "Come here." Secret slowly walked over, glancing down at her brother as he continued to grunt in pain. He pulled her into his side, kissing the top of her head.

"I would always choose you over everyone else." Secret frowned. "What about family above all?" She knew she couldn't ask him to put her above them, she couldn't do the same. "You are family." He whispered. "If you're going to talk about this, do it somewhere else." Stefan spoke through gritted teeth.

"Shut up asshole, you're just mad Elena has chosen Damon over you now." Stefan thrashed harder at her comment. "Looks like you struck a nerve." Klaus grinned. "Well, you're striking a lot of them right now." Secret looked down at Stefan's hand. "Go ahead, kill me! I know you'll do it when he brings the coffin." Klaus let go of Secret and pulled Stefan's hand out from the fire.

Klaus pushed him back as he kept his hold on him. "You really have given up, haven't you, huh? Where's the fight? Where's the ripper?" Klaus shoved him slightly. Stefan pushed his hands off of him. "Elijah." Secret walked up next to Klaus as she stared at Elijah and Damon. "Why haven't you left?" Klaus asked as the woman walked in with a red cloth over something on a tray.

"For where are your manners brother?" Elijah asked. "We forgot dessert." He lifted up the cloth, showing the daggers that were once in his siblings. "What have you done?" Klaus asked. Secret frowned as Stefan pushed her over to Damon, who locked his arms around her. "What have you done? See, I have learned not to trust your vulgar promises." Elijah told him.

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