Chapter Forty-Two

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No One's P.O.V

"Get off of me!" He yelled out at her. "Hush now." Rebekah told him as she walked over to Klaus with the werewolf. "I'd like you all to meet my sister Rebekah. Word of warning, she can be quite mean." Secret scoffed. "Don't be an ass." She told Klaus, her eyes narrowed into an almost glare. She pushed Tyler over to Klaus, who grabbed him by the back of his neck. "Leave him alone!" Elena demanded.

"I'm going to make this very simple. Every time I attempt to turn a werewolf into a vampire hybrid, they die durning the transition. It's quite horrible, actually." Klaus bit into his wrist and forced his blood into Tyler's mouth. "I need you to find a way to save my hybrids, Bonnie. And for Tyler's better hurry." He pulled his wrist away from Tyler's mouth and snapped his neck.

Elena gasped as she watched his body hit the ground. "He killed him." Matt told Elena as he sat next to Tyler's body. "He's not dead. Klaus's blood will turn him into a vampire." Elena told them while Dana cried. Secret sat next to Klaus on the bleachers, his arm wrapped around her shoulders. He forced her to jump down as he did so, not moving his arm as they walked over to them.

"And if Bonnie's successful, he'll live through his transition. Go on then. Go and fetch your grimoires and enchantments and whatnot. I'll hold onto Elena.." He grabbed Elena's arm. "For safe keeping." Bonnie shook her head no at Elena, who nodded at her, telling her to do it. Bonnie and Matt walked ran out of the gym after sparing Elena one last look.

"So this is the latest doppelgänger." Rebekah spoke from behind Elena, scaring her. She then walked in front of Elena, looking her up and down. "The original one was much prettier." Secret sighed. "They're doppelgängers, Rebekah, they all look the same." Klaus chuckled as Rebekah glared at Secret. "Enough, Rebekah. Take the wolf boy elsewhere, would you?" Rebekah smiled sarcastically at them before grabbing Tyler's arm and dragged his body out of the gym.

"Just ignore her. Petty little thing." He whispered to Elena. Secret frowned as she was stuck at his side, his arm locking her in right against him.


Elena comforted Dana when Stefan walked in. Klaus and Secret were sitting on the bleachers again, Klaus sitting on the bleacher above her's and her head resting against his knees, her eyes closed as she tried to relax and not stress anymore about everything going on. "Stefan." Elena stood up. Secret opened her eyes and lifted her head to look over at Stefan.

"Come to save your damsel, mate?" Klaus asked. "I'd run while you still can, Brother." Secret warned him, leaning forward. "Quiet." Klaus hit the top of her head lightly. "I came to ask for your forgiveness." Secret sighed as her head hung between her knees. "You're a dumbass, Stefan." She mumbled. "And pledge my loyalty." Klaus looked down at Secret's hair and started to play with it.

"Well? You broke that pledge once already." Secret held her breath in as she sat up. "Elena means nothing to me anymore." Secret glared as she stood up. "Stefan!" Before she could continue Klaus pushed her back down by her shoulders so she was sitting. "And whatever you ask of me... I will do." Secret glared at Stefan.

"Fair enough." Klaus stood up, grabbing Secret by the arm and walking down the bleachers, going over to Elena. "I can walk on my own." Secret pulled her arm away from him, following right beside him. "Kill them." He pointed at Dana and Chad who quickly stood up. "What are you waiting for? Kill them." Klaus ordered.

"No! Stefan, don't." Elena yelled out to him. "He's not going to hurt me, he already said-." Elena was cut off by Klaus walking over and hitting her across the face, forcing her to fall onto the ground as she PE tout a yell. Stefan ran over and grabbed Klaus by his shirt, bearing his fangs at him. Klaus threw Stefan's arm off him, grabbing him by his throat.

"She means nothing to you? Your lies just keep piling up." Secret knelt down next to Elena, helping her sit up. "Let her go! I'll do whatever you want, you have my word!" Stefan tried to make a compromise with him. "Your word doesn't mean much. I lived by your word all summer, during which time I never had to resort to this." Secret's eyes widened as she looked over at Stefan and Klaus.

"Stop fighting." He compelled Stefan. Secret ran over, standing next to Klaus, knowing better to try and push him away. "Don't do this." Both Stefan and Secret begged Klaus. "I didn't want to. All I wanted was your allegiance. Now I'm going to have to take it." Klaus kept his eyes on Stefan as he spoke to Secret. "Go and sit on the bleachers or else I'll do the same to you." He ordered her.

Secret hesitated as she looked at Stefan. She rethought over what Klaus had said earlier, that they never doing anything in return for her. "Okay." She nodded as she whispered her words, walking over and sitting on the bleachers. "Don't, don't." Stefan begged more. "You will do exactly as I say when I say it. You will not run, you will not hide, you will simply just obey." He let go of Stefan after he was done compelling him.

"No." Elena whispered as tears came to her eyes. Secret stared at down at the floor, her eyes watering just like Elena's. "Stefan!" Elena shook her head. "Now kill them. Ripper. He held his hand out, gesturing over to Dana and Chad. Stefan ran over to Dana, who screamed as he pushed his fangs into her neck.


Klaus knelt down next to Elena as Stefan finished off Chad, letting his body drop. "It's always nice to see a vampire in his true element. The species has become such a broody lot." Stefan looked back at them, his whole chin covered in blood. "No. You did this to him." Elena denied as she stared at him. "I invited him to the party, Love. He's the one dancing on the table." He told her while Stefan wiped the blood off his chin with the back of his hand.

Elena and Klaus both stood up right as Rebekah stormed in. "Where is it?!" She yelled out. "Where's my necklace?" Klaus turned around to face Rebekah. "What are you talking about?" He asked her as she rushed over in anger. "She has my necklace. Look." Rebekah gave the phone to Klaus, who looked over the picture. "Well, well. More lies." He looked up at Elena and Stefan. "Where... is it?" Rebekah demanded.

"I don't have it anymore." Elena told her. "You're lying." Rebekah closed the distance between her and Elena and stuck her fangs in Elena neck. "Stefan ran over but Klaus pushed Rebekah back first. "Knock it off!" He yelled at her. Secret got up and ran over to Elena, pushing her hair out of the way of the bite. "Make her tell me where it is, Nik!" Rebekah yelled back at him.

Klaus turned around and crouched down in front of Elena who Secret held close. "Where's the necklace, Sweetheart? Be honest." Elena breathed heavily as Secret pulled up the sleeve of her shirt, revealing her wrist. "I'm telling the truth. Katherine stole it." Elena's shaky voice spoke as she held her wound.

"Katerina. Of course. Well, that's unfortunate. If we had the necklace it would make things a whole list easier for your witch, but since we're doing this the hard way, let's put a clock on it, shall we?" Secret bit into her wrist, the blood dripping onto Elena's clothes. "Secret don't give her your blood." Klaus ordered as he walked over to the control for the big game clock up on the gym wall.

Secret frown as she pulled her wrist away before she could give it to Elena, watching as the wound healed. Klaus set a 20 minute timer up. "20 minutes. If Bonnie hasn't found a solution by then, I want you to feed again. Only this time, I want you to feed on Elena. You know you want to." He have orders to Stefan as Secret stood up.

"No, Klaus! Don't do this to him!" Elena begged as Klaus walked over, grabbing Secret's hand. "No one leaves. If she tries to run, fracture her spine." Rebekah followed behind Klaus and Secret.

(Spelling checks= ❌)

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