Chapter Thirty

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No One's P.O.V

"Just because I'm a girl doesn't mean that you can keep using me as bait!!" Secret stomped her bare heel onto the ground as they sat outside the bar Ray was in. Currently she was wearing a dark blue dress that fit her perfectly, but she was refusing to put on the heels. "Put. Them. On." Klaus glared as she crossed her arms and looked the other way like a child would.

"Secret put the damn shoes on!" Her brother groaned, tired of this since it's been going on for five minutes. "Make me, Bitch." She spat at him, already in a bad mood. Earlier on the way here they didn't stop to get food like they promised her. "Secret put them on before I shove them into your throat." Secret glared at Klaus as she snatched the heels from him, easily putting them on. Klaus gave her a satisfied smirk as he held his hands behind his back.

"See, that wasn't so hard." Secret rolled her eyes as she bent over a bit, ruffling her hair before she stood back up, whipping her hair behind her. "Alright, let's get this over with." She sighed as she strutted towards the bar, her head held high as she walked in. She ignored the grown men whistling at her as she went and sat by the only guy at the bar. "Hello." She smiled as she turned to face him. Ray grinned as he looked her over, clearing enjoying her company.

"My name is Secret, and yours?" She asked, batting her eyes a bit as she held out her hand. "Ray Sutton at your service." He took her hand and gave it a small shake. "Well Ray, what are you doing here?" She asked as she placed her head onto her hand. "Oh, I'm always here." He chuckled while Secret gave a fake giggle. Inwardly she was throwing up, not that she didn't like the guy, she doesn't like any men, they're all pigs in her opinion.

"Ray? Ray Sutton?" Klaus asked as he sat on the other side of the werewolf. "Who wants to know?" He asked as he took the beer that was just sat in front of him. "I've been looking everywhere for you." Klaus sat back in the chair, as always he wore a confident smirk on his face. "We started in Florida, Pensacola." Secret spoke, leaning back in the chair while Ray looked over at her before turning back over to look at Klaus.

"I met a young chap there who you worked with before you moved to Memphis." Secret snorted when he said "chap", she just couldn't help herself, but Klaus carried on like he didn't hear her. "Now he directed me to two lovely young women." Secret nodded in agreement. "That blonde was hot." She commented, earning a eye roll from Klaus and a shocked look from Ray. "And they lead me here, to you." He finished and looked back over at Ray.

"I think I'll be going." Ray said as he stood up form his chair, but Klaus was quick to stand up and grab his arm as he stood in front of him. "Not so fast mate, you only just got here." Ray looked at Klaus with a mix of fear and irritation shown in his eyes. "Now your kind are very hard to come by." Secret looked around for the bartender, she wanted to see if they sold burgers. She waved the one over, ignoring what the others were doing.

Ray turned around to run but was instantly stopped by Stefan. "Yeah, I wouldn't do that." Stefan pushed Ray back a bit. "Vampires." Ray looked in between the two, glancing back at Secret who was talking to the bartender. "Do you sell burgers and fries?" She asked and the bartender nodded. "Okay, I want ketchup, lettuce, tomatoes, onions, and cheese on the burger. Then I want some fries on the side, please. Oh and a lemonade to go with it!" The bartender nodded as he walked to the back.

"You're swifty swift, Ray." Secret turned around as she snorted. "You did not just say that." Klaus sent her a glare, to which she ignored, before getting back to the conversation. "Yes, my two friends here are vampires. He has compelled everyone in the bar, so don't look to them for any help." Ray looked around at the people as they were oblivious, but turned back to look at Klaus as he started to speak again. "But I, however..." Secret laid her head down on the bar as she waited for her food. "I'm something else." Secret groaned, he was taking too long to explain.

"A different kind of monster." He walked around Ray, talking into his ear. "I've got some vampire, I've got some werewolf." Ray looked at him confused. "A... what?" Secret whipped around in the chair to look at them. "For fucks sake, he's a Hybrid you dipshit!!" She glared as Ray jumped back, more on edge now. "Seems like someone is grumpy." Stefan mumbled, making Secret turn to him. "Bitch, you would be too if you were being used as bait. Oh and you promise to get food!" Stefan held his hands up in surrender as he took a step back.

"You see, I want to create more of me. Now, you being the first werewolf I've come across in many a moon, pun intended, Ray, heh I need you to direct me to your pack." Secret snickered at the pun, finding it so dumb that it was funny. "So... where can I find them, Ray?" Ray glared at Klaus, very protective of his pack. "You can't compel me, it won't work." Klaus looked over at Stefan, who scratched the side of his eyebrow before turning to the bartender who sat Secret's food in front of her.

"Scotch on the rocks please." He called out, earning a nod. Secret instantly took the burger and sank her teeth into it. "Ahem. Tell you what, Ray." Stefan spoke as he started opening a medium sized black pouch. "We are going to play a little drinking game. Something I like to call Truth or Wolfsbane." Klaus sat Next to Secret, sipping on the beer that was originally Ray's. Stefan pulled out a small bit of wolfsbane, not wanting to pour all of it into his hand.

"Oh, this is going to be fun, Ray." Klaus grinned while Secret payed them no mind, only focusing on her food.

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