Chapter Fourty-Six

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No On'e P.O.V

Secret laid down in her room, her eyes staring at her ceiling. She had already taken a shower and changed into some shorts and a shirt, ignoring all of the conversation going on downstairs. Stefan barged into her room, walking over to her jewelry and looking over it. "What do you want?" She demanded as she sat up, not liking how he interrupted her thinking.

"I was almost blown up with Elena today." Secret raised an eyebrow. "So their plan backfired?" Stefan looked over at her as he held the necklace their mother had gifted her. "You knew?" Secret rolled her eyes as she got up, walking over to him and snatching her necklace out of his hands. "Of course I knew, Stefan, don't be an idiot." She placed it back in her jewelry box.

"And why didn't you join in? It was a lot of fun." He added the last part in sarcasm. "Because I don't care how you are. You're not my child, I don't give a single fuck on how you act or what you do." Stefan grinned as he leaned closer to her. "Sounds like someone is close to turning off their humanity." Secret crossed her arms. "Who says I haven't already turned it off?" She challenged, knowing fair well that she hasn't.

"Because you still have that ridiculous necklace. You say you hate our mother so much, but hold onto that." Secret frowned. "Am I not allowed to keep pretty things? Sure our mother was a bitch, but her gifts were beautiful." She covered up as she walked back over to her bed. "Keep telling yourself that." Stefan looked over her room as he walked around.

"I heard your argument with Damon earlier before you ran out." Secret groaned. "Are you never going to leave me alone? Just because Klaus compelled you to watch over me and the stupid dopplebitch, doesn't mean you have to be with us 24/7." She snapped at him, throwing her pillow, which he caught. "But that's exactly what it means." Secret got back up and walked over to her door, opening it and turning to Stefan.

"Get out, I'm not in the mood for your sour little games." Stefan walked over to her, but not leaving the room. "Well, aren't you mad? Everything is about Damon, or Elena, or me, and you have to always go and help. No one ever thanks you, they all judge you for being friends with Klaus' sister." Secret stared at the floor as she held back from giving him any reaction that he wanted.

"We all use you and once we are done we throw you out. Have you ever heard Damon say thank you for giving up your happiness so he could live? Or every time we left you so we could be with Elena. She's taking your place, Secret, no one needs you anymore. Klaus even ran off, he didn't even bother to take you, probably thought you would be too much of a problem. Because that's all you really are, Sister. A problem."

Secret hid her face in here hair as tears threatened to come out of her eyes. "You were a problem for mom, for us, for Elena, for everyone. All you do is add onto everything and make them worse." He circled her as he whispered into her ears. "No one would even notice if you would disappear, instead their lives would be filled with peace. I know mine would, one less annoying family member."

Secret pushed him onto the floor, grabbing the leg of a near by chair and shoving it into his chest, on the opposite side of his heart. "SHUT UP, SHUT UP, SHUT UP!" She continued to pull it out and stab him all over with it. "Turn your humanity off, everything would be so much better." Stefan spoke through heavy breaths as Damon pulled her off him. Stefan stood up, walking over to her as Damon kept a tight grip on her.

"Or are you too weak?" He challenged. "At least I didn't fuck up everyone's lives like you've done to Damon and I countless times. You should have stayed dead when dad shot you!" She screamed as she got out of Damon's grip, the stake back in her hands as she positioned it to pierce his heart. "Secret!" Damon yelled, pulling the steak out of her hands before she could kill Stefan.

"Get out of here, Stefan!" Damon glared at his little brother. Stefan walked out of the room while Secret breathed heavily. "Leave, Damon." She spoke after a few seconds of silence. "I want to be alone." Damon frowned but did as she said, shutting the door behind him. Secret fell onto her knees, sobs escaping her mouth as Stefan's words repeated in her head. She was a mistake, her mother cheated and she was conceived, she wasn't meant to be. She was just there, adding onto everyone else's complicated lives.

Her thoughts raced as she threw everything in her sight, her bedroom a mess as glass covered the floor along with pieces of woods and torn clothes. Her shoulders slumped as she looked over the mess she made. She felt all of her energy leave her as she thought about having to clean it all up. She sat down on the floor, moving everything out of the way so she had a clear spot to sit.

She laid back as she went through all of her memories, her eyes getting tired as tears flooded the floor, dripping down from her cheeks.

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