Chapter One

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No one's P.O.V

Secret woke up to her brother so kindly shaking her. "Get up, Elena's gonna sign the papers soon. Get dressed." She groaned, pushing Damon away. "Why are we doing this again?" She asked as She stepped out of her bed, stretching her limbs out. "Because we don't want her to die." Secret scoffed at Damon as She walked over to her closet.

"I couldn't care less if she dies or not, it's only you and Stefan who wish to keep her alive." Damon rolled his eyes at her antics. "Get out, unless you wanna see me change." He made a disgusted face before speeding out the room, going downstairs and pouring a glass of bourbon.

She grabbed out the clothes she wanted to wear and the shoes, putting them on and dumping her dirty clothes into the hamper in her closet. "Wow I really need to do laundry." She spoke to herself, looking at the overflowing hamper.

"Could you do mine too? I'll take you to the grill to get you some fries later." Damon spoke from downstairs, walking around, his voice was still clear though, perks of being a vampire. "Only if you get me chicken too." She spoke, grinning. "Fine." She could already tell he was doing his famous eye roll.

" She could already tell he was doing his famous eye roll

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Secret walked over to her dresser, grabbing the necklace her mother gave her

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Secret walked over to her dresser, grabbing the necklace her mother gave her. She would have made that her daylight necklace, but her two brothers insisted on matching rings. So of course, she's stuck with the ring; she has to admit though, it's fairly pretty. She sped downstairs as she clasped the necklace on.

"Hey." She spoke to Damon and Stefan, both giving them a hug and a kiss on the cheek. "Why are you so dressed up today?" Damon looked at her suspiciously. "All of my good pants and shirts are dirty, I only have dresses left." Damon nodded, happy to know she isn't going on a date.

"Besides, no man in this small town is good enough for me." Damon grinned and wrapped his arm around her shoulder. "That's right!" Stefan rolled his eyes at the two. "How am I related to you two?" Secret, deciding to be herself, answered that question with the obvious answer, looking at him like he was stupid.

"Our mother slept with men and we popped up." Stefan sighed at his older sister. "It was Rhetorical question, Secret." She grinned at him and reached up and messed up his hair. "I know, I just like annoying you." Stefan quickly swatted her hand away, fixing his hair. "Oops, I think I messed up his hero hair." She whispered to Damon who chuckled.

There was a knock on the door, Damon going to open it as Elena walked down the stairs dressed. "I've never seen you in a dress." She spoke in awe, Elena was always somewhat jealous of Secret's natural beauty. "Well this is the only time you will." Secret replied back.

Damon and an older man walked into the room. "We'll wait outside while you sign the papers." Damon spoke, turning back around and walking out of the room, Secret and Stefan following him out. Secret stood between her brothers, thinking. "Do you guys know where my leather Jacket is?" She asked them.

Stefan shook his head while Damon nodded. "Yeah it's hanging on the coatrack." Secret nodded as she leaned against Stefan, putting all her weight on him. "I'm hungry, do we have anymore blood bags?" Damon scoffed. "Of course we do." She stuck her tongue out at him, not liking his tone.

(Inside with Elena and Bonnie, who walked in earlier)

"Please sign here and here." The man spoke as he showed her which papers and where to sign. "Okay." Elena nodded as she grabbed a pen. "So this place is all yours? They just gave it to you?" Bonnie asked as Elena signed the papers. "Technically Secret was against it, but for now yes." The male lifted the paper so she could sign the next one.

"As sole owner, I'm the only one who can invite a certain person in here, if you know what I mean." Elena hinted, not wanting to say vampire in front of the man. "Your own personal safe house." Bonnie nodded as the man ignored what they were speaking about, not wishing to know.

"That's the idea." Elena spoke as she signed more papers. "Wouldn't want to clean it." Bonnie said as she looked around. Elena giggled as Bonnie grinned at her.

(Back with the Salvatore siblings)

"You really think Bonnie can take on Klaus?" Damon asked as he leaned against the small stone wall while Secret sat on in. Secret spoke at the same time Stefan did, except her answer was shorter. "No." She said. "She said she could channel enough witches' power to kill him." Stefan shot Secret a glare for her answer, to which she shrugged at him.

"Elijah though that would work, and he was and original, so." Secret spoke up next, correcting him. "Is an original, technically he isn't fully dead." Stefan rolled his eyes at her while Damon had a small smirk playing on his lips, enjoying her sassy and witty attitude.

"We just need to find him." Damon's smirk left his face as it was covered into confusion and determination. "Yeah." Both Stefan and Secret agreed. "Could she do one of those witchy tracking spells?" Secret asked, trying to find a solution. "Nope , not without something that belongs to Klaus. Believe me, I already asked." Stefan replied.

Secret groaned. "Witch magic is so confusing." Both of the brothers slightly smiled at her before getting back to the subject they're talking about. "Do you think he killed her?" Damon questioned as he stared ahead of him. Again Stefan and Secret responded around the same time.

"Katherine?" Stefan asked. "No." Secret responded simply. Secret rolled her eyes at Stefan. "Who else dipshit." Stefan shot her glare before turning back to their brother. "Probably." He responded while Secret shook her head at him. "It's not like she didn't have it coming." Damon spoke while turning his head to look at Stefan and Secret before turning back to look forwards again.

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