Chapter Twenty-Four

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No One's P.O.V

"We all set?" Stefan asked as Damon and Secret walked up to him. "Yeah." She replied shortly, giving a slight nod. "Plenty of room with the Gilbert family plot." Secret assured, her hands in her pockets. "And I compelled two of the graveyard diggers to do the dirty work." Damon added onto her sentence.

"How's she doing?" Damon didn't need to say Elena's name for Stefan and Secret to know who he is talking about. "She lost the only parents she had. She's in shock." Secret rolled her eyes as she crossed her arms. "Yeah, no shit." Stefan shot her a glare while Damon just grinned at his younger sister's comment.

Secret stood next to her two brothers as she watched Elena go and put her roses on Jenna's grave, John's, and her parents. Alaric went up next, placing a flower onto Jenna's grave before stepping back. Secret looked around, uncomfortable with being there and with Elena's crying. She was never good with death, she tends to push the grief away until she's alone.

Secret has lowered her hatred, just making it a dislike for Elena. She knew that Elena didn't want Stefan to do that, but she is still mad about her stringing both of her brothers along. However, she decided to push that out of her mind as she walked over to Elena. "Elena." She whispered, causing the girl to turn around.

Secret didn't say any words, no "Sorry for your loss" or anything related, she just opened her arms. Elena didn't hesitate to latch herself onto the midnight haired girl, crying into her shoulder. Secret rubbed her back, trying her best to comfort the girl. "I would say I know how hard this is, but feelings are different for everyone." Elena pulled back to look at Secret as she continued.

"What I do know, is that this isn't your fault at all. You were born into this psycho bloodline and given the whole doppelgänger thing. Nothing falls onto you, they both did it to protect you, as you would do for them." Elena did feel a slight weight being lifted off of her shoulders as she listened to the Salvatore.

"Just know... you can always come to me to talk. I won't judge you, I won't try to tell you how you feel, I will just listen and give you advice if you need it." Secret gave a smile to the surprised girl. She meant everything she said, sure she dislikes the girl, but she needs someone there and Secret knows what it feels like to not have someone.

"Thank you." Elena whispered. "You're welcome, Sweet cheeks. Us girls have to stick together anyways, right?" Secret winked at the Gilbert girl before walking over to Stefan and Damon. "We are going to head back to the house." Secret stated as she stood next to Damon, Stefan on left.

"I think I'll skip the coffee and the tea cakes." He had his hands clasped in front of him, his gaze not leaving in front of him to look at either of his younger siblings. "Damon, she needs us right now. Even Secret made an effort with comforting her." Secret threw a glare at Stefan before nodding along with the first part.

"And then what's the plan Stefan? The curse is broken." Damon turned his head slightly to the left, still not looking at Stefan due to him being a little farther back. "How does one go about killing an all-powerful wolf vamp and his two faced older brother?" Secret sighed at his words, not liking how gloomy Damon is being.

"We need to get an idea. Fast." Damon spoke, finally turning around to face Stefan. Secret turned around with Damon, looking in between her brothers. "I'm not going to let Elena lose anybody else." Secret rolled her eyes, knowing the girl is prone to danger. "I wouldn't make any promises, brother." Stefan ignored her words, causing her to make a "humph" noise as she crossed her arms.

Damon turned to face his younger sister. "Why don't you go join the little kids and get some food." Secret didn't argue, she was in the mood for food. "I'll see you later brothers." She hugged Damon and kissed his cheek, doing the same to Stefan, before using her speed to catch up with Elena as they walked to the cars.

Damon waited until he was sure that Secret was out of hearing range before turning back to Stefan. "Tyler Lockwood bit me." He bluntly spoke as he started to roll his sleeve up on his right arms. He revealed a nasty werewolf bite, getting worse by the hour as the venom worked its way throughout his body.

Stefan frowned as he saw the werewolf bite. "It's actually, more of a nip, really." Damon spoke as Stefan walked up to get a closer look at the bite. "But, there it is." Stefan let go of Damon's arm and let him roll his sleeve down. "We'll find something." Stefan whisper, talking more to himself than to Damon.

"A cure." He spoke normally now, confident that he will. "There's no cure, Stefan." Damon looked away from Stefan, wondering how much longer he has with everyone before he dies. "We kept Elena human, right? We found the way when there was no way." Damon didn't look over at Stefan, still lost in his thoughts.

"Hey." Stefan nudged him slightly, causing him to look over at the youngest Salvatore. "I will do this." He assured him. Damon's eyes hardened as he spoke next. "You want to do something for me? Keep this from Elena and Secret." Damon swallowed, his Adam's apple going down then up. "The last thing they need is another grave to morn." Damon patted Stefan's shoulder before walking away, leaving Stefan alone to think.

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