Chapter Fifteen

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No One's P.O.V

"Do we know if Klaus has everything he needs to do this? Does he have a werewolf?" Elena asked as Secret came back into the room, sitting down in the same seat she was in before. "Klaus has been waiting to break this curse for a thousand years. If he doesn't already have a werewolf, he will have one by tonight." Secret pointed out the obvious to Elena, giving her a look that said, "are you an idiot?".

Soon enough everyone spread out in the house, Stefan going to where Damon was, and Elijah and Elena god knows where. Secret went up to her room, sitting on her bed with music playing. She hummed along as she opened her book, not listening to anything around her except for the music as she concentrated on what she was reading.

She was reading the classic, Romeo and Juliet. It was a book she had always loved, she loved how the words on the page seemed to jump off and dance around before her own eyes. She loved how it would pull her into her own little world, one that only she can get to. There were so many things for why she loves this book, another reason adding on every time she reads it.

"Breakfast of Champions, huh?" Stefan asked as he walked up to Damon who stood outside, drinking a glass of bourbon. "I'm surrounded by idiots, I need all the help I can get." He didn't look at Stefan as he spoke, he stayed staring in front of him. "You know, you're not helping." Stefan sighed. Damon snapped his head over to look at Stefan. "Elijah is an original vampire, Stefan. One we tried to kill." He pointed out to him.

"You're going to believe this guy?" He asked his younger sibling with annoyance and disbelief. "What do you want me to do, Damon?" Stefan snapped at him. "Elena made her decision. She's choosing to trust Elijah. I'm going to put my faith in her." Damon scoffed at Stefan. "Why? She's going to end up dead!" He stuck to his point, not liking his brother's decision.

"Because she put her faith in me. She chose to trust me in spite of who I am." Damon rolled his eyes as he looked back in front of him. "If I'm going to bet on someone's instincts, it's going to be hers." Damon turned to look at him again, a glare settled onto his face. "Well, then, that makes you the biggest idiot of them all." He spat out at him.

"She chose to trust you, too." He pointed out, only earning more venomous words from Damon. "Then maybe you shouldn't be so sure about her instincts." Damon downed the rest of his drink before going inside, leaving Stefan alone.

Elena walked up to Elijah while sighing. "You'd think he'd understand why I'm willing doing this." She gently held the Elixir in her hands. "Why are you?" Elijah asked, looking at her and the Elixir. Elena looked up at him and gently sat the elixir in its box. "I'm the key to breaking the curse. Klaus is here because of me. If I don't stop him, then he's going to hurt people. It's that simple." She explained to him.

Elijah looked down at the Elixir. "You know, there's a possibility that the Elixir won't work. I don't want to mislead you." He looked back up at Elena. "I know the chance I'm taking." She whispered. Elena and Elijah's head turned when they heard a door slam and then Jenna's voice yelling "get out".

Secret was pulled out of her reading and humming, the sound of the door slamming and Jenna talking catching her attention. She paused her music and marked her spot in the book before running down the stairs to where she heard Jenna from, Elijah and Elena running in there with her. "Jenna! Jenna!!" Alaric stepped towards her with his hands up to show he doesn't mean any harm

"Get out!!" She yelled as she held a crossbow, pointing it at Alaric. "Damn, she gone badass." Secret grinned. "Jenna, put the crossbow down, okay? It's me." Alaric pleaded with his ex girlfriend. Stefan walking into the room. "Stay away from me!" Jenna kept the crossbow pointed at him. "What's going on?" Stefan asked urgently, Damon waking in after Stefan spoke.

"It's me, Elena, I swear, okay?" Alaric tried to tell her. "He let me go. Klaus let me go." Secret eyes him suspiciously, not knowing if she should believe this. "Prove it." She demanded Alaric; he turned to face Jenna. "Okay, uh, first night you and I spent together, Jermey walked in on us right when I was about to-." Jenna quickly put the crossbow down. "Okay, it's him."

Secret smirked. "What were you about to do Alaric?" She teased, earning a small chuckle from Damon. "Why did he let you go?" Stefan asked. "He wanted me to deliver a message." Alaric looked around at everyone. "The sacrifice happens tonight." Everyone spread out in the house, leaving Secret alone with Alaric. She walked up to him and nudged him on the arm.

"So.." She looked around before looking up at him. "Is he hot?" Alaric laughed as he patted her head. "Only you would ask that question, Secret." He spoke walking away. "You didn't answer!!" She called after him before crossing her arms and walking back up to her room, annoyed that she didn't get an answer.

Secret ran in as she heard Elena yelling out "No". Stefan ran in right behind her, knocking Damon off of Elena while Secret quickly took the girl into her arms. "What did you do?!" Stefan demanded while Elena cried into Secrets chest, holding onto the vampire. "Huh? What did you do?!" He spoke as he looked down at Elena.

"I saved her life." Damon spoke looking down at the girl crying into his sister's arms. "You're so bent on dying, at least this way I know you'll come back." Damon spoke, causing Stefan to turn to him. "As a vampire!! She'll come back as a vampire!" The two brothers glared at each other. "It's better than nothing else." Damon spat out.

"How could you, of all people, take that choice away form her?!" Damon and Stefan turned to look at arena as Secret stood up, leaving Elena on the floor. "Go ahead and wish me an eternity of misery. Believe me, you'll get over it." Stefan lunged for Damon but Secret ran over to him and pulled him back.

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