Chapter Six

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No One's P.O.V

"Surprise!!" He spoke gleefully. "Oh, no." Elena whispered as Bonnie stepped in front of them."no it's not possible." Elena denied, not wanting to believe it. "Just relax, Elena. I'm not here to hurt you or Secret." He waved her off. "You're not on my hit list tonight." He turned his stare to Bonnie. "But you are."

He ran towards her but she quickly used her magic, sending him flying into the lockers. Secret winced, imaging how much that would hurt in a human body. Klaus laughed as he got up. "Now did I mention that I know a witch?" He asked with a grin. "You're going to have to hit me a lot harder than that."

He ran for Bonnie again, but just as before, she sent him flying back into the air, his body colliding with Glass that broke under the pressure. "By all means, fire away!!" He called out while he started to stand up. "If you kill this body, I'll just get a new one. Maybe Jermey." He spoke as he breathed heavily and stood up fully.

"Go. Run. RUNN!!" Bonnie yelled. Secret wrapped both of her arms around their waists and picked them up, using her speed to run them out of there. Bonnie had the doors slammed shut as they ran out. Damon came running in, slamming into Secret with a lot of force. Secret dropped the two girls onto their feet as she went flying back, not prepared for that much force to be thrown at her.

"What happened?!" He yelled out. "Klaus is in Alaric's body." Elena breathed out, all of them ignoring a groaning Secret who came into contact with the wall. "He's possessing it or something." Bonnie rushed out. "Go find Stefan. Now." He told Elena, to which she complied. He stepped closer to Bonnie, getting serious.

"Can you kill him?" Secret groaned as she sat her body up. "Wow thanks so much for caring guys." She replied sarcastically, but they ignored her. "He's got some type of protection spell on him." Bonnie spoke worriedly while Secret stood up, her body healed completely from the damage.

She sped over to them, standing next to Damon. "You have the power of one hundred witches. Break it." He started to get mad. "I'm trying Damon! If I kill Alaric, he'll just possess someone else!!" Bonnie rushed out, trying to get this conversation over before he comes. "He knows I have my power Damon!!" Damon looked down at the floor in though.

"He's trying time kill me." Damon shook his head. "No." He started to get more angry. "Klaus does not get to win tonight, no way!" Damon glanced over at Secret before looking back at Bonnie but Secret cut him off. "You still willing to do whatever it takes to kill him?" She asked, sadness and determination on her features. Bonnie nodded as an answer to her question.

It was very noticeable that Secret likes Bonnie more than she like Elena. But, both of her brothers love Elena, and she doesn't want to see them watch her die. So she would rather loose her friend Bonnie that the girl her brothers love.

"You can place a spell on yourself." Secret spoke, catching their attention once again. "To where you'll come back or something." Bonnie nodded to the idea. "I can do that." Secret quickly hugged Bonnie before stepping back.

"I'll see you soon." Secret and Damon Dan our to where Elena and Stefan were, using their hearing to help guide them, meeting them up in the hallway. "There you are." Damon spoke, ceasing Elena and Stefan's running. "What are you doing? Where's Bonnie?" Secret glanced at Damon before looking back at Elena.

"She's doing what she has to do Elena." Secret spoke as her and Damon walked closer to them. "What?!" Elena yelled out in worry and shock. "Where is she?!" Stefan demanded. "Stefan, let her do this." Damon replied. "DAMN IT, DAMON, WHERE IS SHE?!" Secret looked at them in worry as she listened to what was going on with Bonnie and Alaric.

Stefan and Elena ran down the hallway after Damon told them where she was, both of the other siblings following behind them. "BONNIE, NO!!" Elena yelled out, running to get into the room, but Bonnie used her magic to have the doors slammed shut and to not open. Stefan tried using his vampire strength but couldn't get it to open.

Damon and Secret caught up with them and watched the scene before them. Bonnie smiled as she looked back at Elena and Secret, the light exploding around her in the room. Klaus stood up, smiling as he watched Bonnie's body twist and fall to the ground before he disappeared.

The lights all went off and they finally got the double doors open. Elena and Stefan ran over to the witch's body that laid motionless on the floor, dead. "Bonnie!!" Elena cries as she lifted her body into her lap. "Stefan, she's not breathing!!" They checked for her pulse but couldn't find one. "Stefan! Stefan, I can't find her pulse!!" Elena spoke, her voice laced with multiple emotions like sadness, worry, and fear.

"Stefan! Do something, please!!" She looked up at him with begging eyes. "Stefan please!!" Stefan slowly looked up at her in shock. "Just give her blood, do something, please!!" Stefan shook his head, preparing for what he was going to tell her. "It's too late. I'm sorry." He whispered to her. Secret and Damon watched form the doorway.

"No!" Elena shook her head rapidly, denying the fact that Bonnie's gone. "No." She looked back down at Bonnie. "No, no, no, no, no!!" Elena pulled Bonnie's body closer. "Bonnie!! Bonnie, please, no!!" Secret watched, a single tear rolling down her face as she watched how heartbroken Elena is. She wished to tel her that Bonnie will come back, but Damon doesn't want them to know yet, and she decided that's best.

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