Chapter Fifty

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Third Person P.O.V

Secret walked to the Forbes cell, planning on checking in on Stefan as she looked down at her phone, Rebekah texting her about how Elena is on her way to talk with her. Secret sighed, and wished her good luck, knowing Elena was going to test her buttons. Secret opened up the cell and looked up from her phone, her eyes wide as she saw the chains broken and Stefan gone.

She quickly pulled up Damon's contact. "Where the fuck is Stefan, Damon?" Secret yelled into the phone as soon as he answered. "Hello, sister." Stefan answered through the phone. "What the fuck, Damon. I was forced to help Stefan because that's what you guys wanted and know you just fuck everything up?!" She screamed in anger.

"Let me explain, Secret." Secret gripped onto her phone. "No! You don't get to explain anything! I'm fucking tired of this family, I wish I went with Klaus." She screamed before hanging up, putting her phone in her pocket before breaking the chair in front of her. She let out multiple yells of frustration as tears glided down her cheeks.

"I'm so Fucking tired of this family." Secret whispered as she walked out of the cell.


Secret groaned as she walked back to the house, knowing she shouldn't have stayed out so late to drink, it gave her no edge. She sighed as she texted Rebekah, asking how it went with Elena. She frowned as Rebekah didn't answer, she always answered, no matter what she was doing. Secret used her speed to rush back to the house, slamming the door open.

Her eyes widened as she saw Rebekah crying on the floor. Secret rushed over, quickly enveloping the girl into her arms. "What's wrong? What did that bitch do you?" Secret demanded as she pulled back. "K-Klaus killed my mother, not Mikael." Secret's eyes widened, Rebekah had told her the story shortly after their intimate moment, and Secret supported her through all of it.

"Oh, Darling." Secret pulled her back into a hug, her anger swelling into her chest once again, her friend was hurt, and she wanted to kill Klaus for it. She rubbed Rebekah's back, speaking calming words into her ear as Rebekah held onto her tightly.


Secret tried to hide the pain in her chest as she stared at Mikael while they talked over the plan. She didn't want Klaus to actually die, at least that's what her heart felt. Instead she ignored her feels and held Rebekah close, making sure she was okay. Stefan turned to face Rebekah as he was on the phone with Klaus.

"That's not a problem, she's right here." He handed the phone to Rebekah, Secret keeping her hand on her back. "Rebekah, love, what's this I hear about Mikael's tragic run-in with a dagger?" Secret placed her hand on Rebekah's shoulder while Elena encouraged her to answer. "It's true." Secret felt her heart drop, some part of her was hoping for Rebekah to change her mind and tell Klaus.

Rebekah walked toward Stefan as she talked. "He's finally out of our live for good. I miss you. I'm miserable here, besides being with Secret." Secret held back tears as she tried to keep her breathing calm and regular. "I'll be home soon." A year slipped out of Secret's eye, guilt consuming her. "Good, I'll see you then, Brother." Rebekah replied. "Is Secret there?" Rebekah glanced over at Secret, handing the phone over to her.

"Klaus." Secret tried to keep her voice from quivering. "Hello, Love, how are things there?" Secret closed her eyes shut. "I miss you." She admitted as she felt her shoulders slump, everyone stared in worry, worry that she would give away the plan. "I miss you too." Klaus smiled, glad she was starting to accept her feelings for him.

"Everyone here sucks." Her voice was quiet. "I'll be there soon, wait for me." Secret kept her eyes squeezed shut. "I will, goodbye." She hung up before he could say anything else, Rebekah immediately at her side as Damon took the phone from her. "He bought it, he's coming home." Rebekah told them as she held Secret close.

"Come, let's go to your room." They quickly made their way upstairs, ignoring everyone downstairs. "I don't know why I'm upset, Bekah. He's hurt my brother's so much, but all I feel is guilt from doing this to him." More tears ran down Secret's face as Rebekah held her hand. "It's because you still have feelings for him, Secret, despite what you have convinced yourself." Rebekah tried wiping away the tears.

"I don't want to have them, he killed your mother, he hurt you." Secret started to fully break down, her sobs echoing through the house as it was Rebekah's turn to hold her close, Elena pulling the dagger out Mikael's chest.


Rebekah sat in the chair as Secret sat on the floor next to Mikael, painting her nails while Rebekah painted her toes. Mikael's hand twitched, causing both of the vampires to look up from their nails to look at him. Her rolled onto his side a second later as he coughed. "Finally. Took you long enough." Rebekah stated while Secret went back to painting her nails, trying to ignore all of the guilt that swarmed her.

Mikael turned to look at his daughter. "Rebekah..." Mikael stared at her. "Whatever fatherly rubbish you're thinking, save it. Nothing you say matters to me." Mikael looked down at the floor. "I see." He stood up, secret now watching him warily as she had finished painting her nails a dark blue color.

"Where's my dagger?" He looked around before turning to look at her. "Elena has it." Secret answered his question. "So you can forget your plans to use it on me." Rebekah snapped at him. "You were never the one I was after." Secret glared at Mikael, pissed off by his presence. "Nik was my family. If you were after him you were after me." Rebekah responded.

"He blinded you, Rebekah. He killed your mother." Secret stood up, but stopped any advancements because of the look Rebekah gave her. "I know what he did. And he'll pay for it with his life." Rebekah got up, walking over to her father. "But Nik was not born a killer. None of us were. You did this to us when you turned us into vampires. You destroyed our family. Not him."

Rebekah walked away. "Rebekah..." Mikael watched as she walked. Secret gave him a glare, planning to walk past him, but he had grabbed her wrist. "How do I know you will not turn on us?" Mikael asked as he returned the glare. "I support Rebekah, I will put her wishes before my own. Now let go of me." Secret pulled her wrist out of his grip, going after Rebekah to see if she was okay.


Secret laid in her bed as she listened to Stefan barge in on Damon and Elena's conversation about needing a tie. Secret got up from her position on her bed grabbing her dress out from the closet. She made her way to where Damon and Elena were, after Stefan left of course. "Hey, do you think I should wear this one?" She asked, trying to gather her friendship back up again..

"Are you asking my opinion on your dress?" Elena asked in surprise. "Yes, Rebekah is busy and I figured you could help me. If you want, don't feel pressured." Secret felt awkward as she refused to meet her gaze. "Well, can I see the other options?" Secret smiled at Elena. "Come with me." She grabbed Elena's hand and pulled her to Secret's room.

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