Chapter Four

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No one's P.O.V.

Alaric, well Klaus, shut the closet door as he spoke to Katherine. "Ah, you're right." He turned as he walked across the room. "This witch is all juiced up and aiming to kill." He spoke in annoyance and a tad bit of worry. "That's terrible." Katherine replies sarcastically. "We're gonna have to kill her, Maddox." He spoke to the warlock as the male poured a glass of alcohol.

"Do you think this Alaric guy has anything vintage?" Klaus spoke as he looked through the owner of the body he was in dresser. He lifted up a price of wood in one of the drawers and looked at it in shock. "Crossbows, wooden bullets, and Automatics?" He picked up one of the crossbows and shut the drawer.

"Who is this guy again?" He asked Katherine as he turned it face her, holding out the crossbow. "He's a local vampire hunter." Katherine gave Klaus an annoyed look. "Ahh. Well, that explains the clothing." He spoke, ignoring her annoyance. He dropped the crossbow as he walked over to Maddox.

"All I could find. This guy likes his bourbon." The warlock spoke as he handed the glass to Klaus/Alaric. "I knew there was something about him that I liked." Klaus took a sip of the alcohol before setting it down on the counter. "There's a high school dance and I'm going to need you to take out the witch bitch." He spoke, giving Bonnie a nickname.

"If she has that much power, she could sense me coming from a mile away." Maddox explained. "I won't be able to get near her. You have to do it." Klaus got slightly mad at this. "I'm this body? I'm a haggard history teacher, she could easily hurt me!" Katherine looked between the two as they spoke.

"I mean, not Klaus me, but you know what I mean." He clarified as Maddox stepped closer. "No witch could handle channeling that much power. It'll kill her, it would kill me." Maddox revealed. "You just have to make her use it." His face was serious while Klaus looks off to the side.

"You mean like provoking her to death?" Klaus looked back at him with an evil glint in his eyes. "Won't take long, just keep attacking her until it kills her." Maddox responded simply. "His body, Alaric's, will last longer than hers will." This confused Klaus. "How? He's human." Maddox slowly broke out into a devilish grin.

"I can help in that department. I can do a spell to protect you." Klaus looked over at Katherine, who instantly looked down, with a smirk before looking back at Maddox.

"Where did we put the sixties clothing?" Secret asked as she walked around the boarding house looking for them. Damon appeared by her side as soon as she finished her sentence. "Are you really dressing up?" Secret rolled her eyes. "You said it yourself, we have to blend in." Damon walked over to one of the storage closets they have and took out a big tub.

"There's most of the clothes we kept from the sixties." Secret grinned at Damon. "Thank you big brother!~" she sand out as he walked away. Secret picked up the box and sped to her room where Elena waited. They both opened the lid and started going through it since they were the same size. "God your ancestors were such packrats." Elena joked, causing a small smile form on Secret's face.

"Ok, so what do you think?" Elena held out two outfits. "Twiggy, or sexy hippy?" Secret looked at the two then at Elena, trying to decide which would look best. "Defiantly the twiggy." Secret nodded as she grabbed the matching shoes and accessories for the dress. "Good choice!" Elena grinned, happy that they're bonding, as she took the shoes and such from Secret's hands.

"Any time tonight girls." Damon spoke from the doorway, ruining the bonding moment. Secret rolled her eyes as she took a shoes out of the box and threw it at him. Damon quickly ran away before it could hit him. Elena laughed as she walked over to the door. "I'll leave you to get changed." Secret nodded as she chose out her outfit while Elena walked itt it and shut the door behind her.


Music played through the gym, multiple teenage bodies dancing on the "dance floor".  Alaric/Klaus looked around as he walked through the gym with a smile. He started to dance his way through, laughing a bit at his own antics. As he danced through he looked for Elena and her friends. Alaric went and spoke with Dana and Chad.

Secret walked in with Damon, not wanting to go over to the little group because she heard the talk Bonnie was having with Jermey. Secret stood next to Damon as the group came in and walked over to them, watching as Dana got up onto the stage. "Thanks for being here Everybody!" She spoke loud and clear over the applause.

"We have a special shout-out tonight!!" Her voice was filled with excitement. "This is for Secret." Damon and everyone else quickly looked over at Secret, who rolled her eyes, before looking back at Dana. "From Klaus." Dana then walked off the stage as the song started. They all started looking around the crowd but didn't see anyone they didn't know.

Alaric watched closely on their reactions, especially Secret's. "That was a lame, cheap shot." Damon spoke annoyed and confused on why it was dedicated to Secret. "He's just trying to bait us." Elena looked over at Damon. "I know everyone here." She then looked back around at the crowd.

"Maybe he's not here. Just wants us to believe that he is." Secret scoffed and everyone looked at her. "I doubt that Stefan." Damon looked over at her before looking back at everyone. "It's a party people. Blend. Let's him come to us." Bonnie nodded. "Good idea." Bonnie then started to drag Jermey to the dance floor.

"Nah nah, I don't really feel like dancing." He tried to get out of it but Bonnie wasn't having any of it. She grinned as she looked back at him. "Too bad." They disappeared within the dancing crowd. "There's Ric." Damon pointed him out. "I'll be back." Damon spoke to them walking towards Alaric. "I'm going with him." Secret followed Damon through the crowd and over to the history teacher.

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