Chapter Twenty-Six

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No One's P.O.V

"Hey, beautiful." Secret winked at Elena as her and Stefan walked towards them. Earlier that day she decided to actually try and be friends with Elena, she can sort of see her reasoning behind her decisions. Elena sent a wink back at her before turning to Stefan. "Look who couldn't resist an epic romance." Secret plopped down to Caroline, she had also decided to try and make friends with her too.

"Hey Carebear." Secret greeted as she plopped a grape into her mouth. "Will you come take a walk with me?" Stefan asked as he crouched down. "Sure." Stefan helped Elena up and the two started walking away from the two vampires. "So, you want to talk to me now?" Caroline turned towards Secret. "Yes, I want to be friends." Secret spoke as she laid back on the grass.

"Hm, alright." Caroline gave in easily. Secret sat back up with a huge grin. "Terrific!" She exclaimed, actually excited at the thought of another friend. "If you tell me what Stefan wanted to talk to her about." Secret took a deep breath in and looked down at her hands. "Well, uh, Damon got bit by a werewolf..." She got straight to the point, not seeing a reason to drag it out. Caroline gasped, looking at Secret with wide eyes.

"But don't worry! We believe we've found a cure." Caroline instantly calmed down. After a few seconds Caroline opened her arms. "Hug?" Secret smiled and nodded, quickly hugging Caroline. Secret had always wanted a sister, no matter if she was older or younger, she just wanted one. And with Caroline, she just had a comfortable vibe, and her hug felt of one from a sister, causing Secret to clutch onto her.

"Want to eat some of this food? Both Elena and Jermey are gone now." Secret snickered as she pulled away. "Don't have to ask me twice."

Secret and Stefan stood outside of Alaric's apartment complex. "I saw you and Caroline getting along." He mentioned as they took a few moments to prepare themselves. "Yes, I've decided to become friends with the preppy blonde." Secret replied as she went up the stairs, not waiting for Stefan. Soon enough they were both at the door. Secret slowly opened the door and peeked her head in, only seeing Katherine.

Secret then walked in, Stefan walking in after her. "Hello, Katherine." Stefan greeted as he sighed. Katherine hopped off the bed she was sitting on. "Two days, I've been waiting. I'm suppose to be free of Klaus' compulsion by now! He's suppose to be dead." Secret sighed as she crossed her arms. "We ran into some complications." She vaguely explained, not really wanting to deal with Katherine.

"Complications?" Katherine asked, trying to get more. Secret quickly snapped at Katherine, her hand clutching the older vampire's throat, cutting off her oxygen. "It doesn't really matter. I just need to find him." Secret let go of Katherine, causing the vampire to fall to the ground clutching her throat. "Do you know where he is?" She demanded. Katherine knew not to piss off the middle Salvatore, even if she's older, Secret would find other ways to harm her or get to her.

Katherine's eyes flickered to the door before speeding over to Stefan and hiding from sight, leaving Secret in the middle of the room. "What the fu-." Secret was cut off from walking over to Katherine when she heard the door knob start to turn. Secret quickly speed over to the two others, out fo view of the people coming into the apartment. "Klaus, you're back." Katherine spoke, removing her finger from her lips.

Katherine grabbed both of the Salvatore's arms and pulled them out. "Look who decided to come for a visit." Secret's eyes immediately went towards Klaus' before shifting to Elijah's, to which who she smiled at. "Hello, Elijah." She greeted. Elijah gave her a small smile and gave a single nod of his head. "You just keep popping up, don't you?" Klaus' amused words fit perfectly with his accent.

Secret glanced at Stefan before ripping her arm out of Katherine's grip. "I need your help.." Secret stepped forward a few paces, her movements cautious and slightly hesitant. "For our brother." Stefan spoke next, moving to stand next to his older sister. "Well, whatever it is, he's gonna have to wait a tick." Secret's eyes slightly hardened, irritation coming clear on her face.

"You see, I have an obligation to my brother that requires my immediate attention." Secret's hands balled into fists next to her side. "Can't you pause it?" She asked, turning around to look at Klaus as he walked past them. "No offense, Elijah." She looked back at the original. "You understand how important family is," Secret turned around as Elijah started talking, walking towards them. "or you wouldn't be here." Elijah spoke, giving a slightly pity look towards them.

"My brother gave me his word that he would reunite me with his own." Secret understood, but she couldn't help but still be irritated and mad. "And so I shall." Klaus spoke from behind him, causing Elijah to spin around. Klaus was quick as he shoved the dagger, with the white oak ashes on it, into his heart. Elijah let out a yell as Secret gasped in surprise. She quickly caught him before his body fell, gently laying him on the floor as Klaus walked closer to them.

Klaus quickly slammed Stefan into a wall, his hand tight around his neck. Secret glared at Klaus and moved to go over to them, but he quickly spoke. "Katherine, grab her." Katherine gave her an apologetic look before grabbing her and holding her back before she could go over to them. "Now, what am I going to do with you?" Klaus pulled him off the wall and quickly grabbed a stake and lodged it into his chest, right next to his heart.

Secret gasped as she fought against Katherine's hold on her, said vampire looking at the situation with sadness and want, want to help but can't. "Do you feel that? It's scraping against your heart." Klaus whispered to Stefan as he gasped in pain. "The slightest little movement, and you're dead." Klaus smirked as he spoke. "Stop!! Leave my brother alone!!" Secret demanded as she tried to get to them.

"He's just trying to help his brother." Katherine defended as she slowly loosened her grip on Secret, not even paying attention to the girl anymore. "The witch said you have a cure." Stefan spoke, his words full of pain. Secret pulled herself out of Katherine's grip and ran over to the two vampires, pushing Klaus out of the way and ripping the stake out of her brothers chest. He groaned as he collapsed onto her, Secret holding up all of his weight.

"Make us a deal, just give us the cure." Both of the siblings spoke as they turned to look at the Hybrid of stood next to the wall. "I'll do whatever you want." Secret added on, hoping to persuade him. Klaus quickly sped over and shoved the stake back into Stefan, grabbing Secret's arm and pulling her over to the island with him. Secret glared at Klaus and tried to tug her arm out of his grip, but to no avail.

"Trouble is I don't know if you'd be any good to me the way you are now. Your sister is however a different answer." He poured a blood bag into a glass, still keeping a tight grip on Secret. "Will you let me go already?!" She stomped her foot as she glared at him. He smirked at her and let go. "All you had to do was ask." She huffed as she was at her brother's side in seconds.

"You're just shy of useless." Secret already noticed he pulled the stake out, his wound was just healing now. Klaus walked over and crouched down next to the two siblings, Secret moving so she was slightly in front of her younger brother. Klaus ignored her as he tilted his head to the side to look past her looking at Stefan. "I heard of this one vampire, crazy bloke, always on and off the wagon for decades." Secret looked at the glass of blood before looking back at her brother, already knowing what Klaus wants.

"When he was off, he was magnificent." After a few seconds Klaus stood up. "1917, he went into Monterey and wiped out an entire migrant village... A true ripper." Katherine looked between the three, stuck on the sidelines. Klaus took a few steps back, a huge smirk plastered onto his face. "Sound familiar?" Secret pushed away her thoughts, for they focused on how his accent sounded with his words, and glared at the Hybrid.

"He hasn't been that way in a very long time." Secret defended Stefan. "Well, that's the vampire I can make a deal with." Secret's glare only got more heated as she stared at Klaus. Katherine looked down at her hands, not knowing what to do in this situation. Stefan stood up as Klaus walked over to them again, Secret stood in between the two, not wanting him to get closer to her brother.

"Well, that's the kind of talent that I could use when I leave this town." Secret looked at him surprised. "You're leaving?" Klaus just gave her a sly grin, already knowing that it was rhetorical question. "Katerina, come here." He held his hand out towards her and made a motion for her to come, like an owner would do to his dog. Katherine walked over and hesitantly out her hand into his.

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