Chapter Twenty

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No One's P.O.V

"I knew one of you would try to stop me." He glanced at Secret before turning around and walking back to the desk, where he sat when they first walked in. "It was just a 50/50 guess on which brother. I wasn't quite sure about her." He turned back towards Damon, looking over at Secret when he talked about her. He leaned down to the desk and pressed play on the computer.

A woman screaming as she started transition played on the laptop. "The nice thing about werewolves is they tend to travel in packs." Klaus commented with a cheeky smile as he looked back up at the siblings as he shut the laptop. "Need a closer look?" He tossed the phone to Secret, who quickly caught it in her hands. Damon looked over at the phone, watching some of the video.

"That's woman that was asking about Tyler." Secret pointed out as she handed the phone to Damon. "Jules." He nodded. Klaus walked up to them, a barely visible smile on his face. "When you spend a thousand years trying to break a curse..." He circles them, and stopping by Secret, leaning in to whisper into her ear. "You learn a thing or two." He walked back in front of them, going in front of Damon this time.

"First rule, always have a back-up. Back-up werewolf. Back-up witch." He spoke in a serious tone. "Back-up vampire." Secret whispered, causing Klaus to grin. "I've got that covered, too." He looked in between the two vampires before snapping their necks, picking up the girl and holding her bridal style as he took off to where the ritual will begin.

Klaus walked up to them ritual, still holding Secret, as he heard the conversation Greta and Elena were having. "My duty is to Klaus! The new order." Greta snapped at Elena. "Glad to know I still have a dance partner." He spoke with a grin before laying Secret on the floor. "Oh my god, Secret?!" Elena ran up to the fire ring, but quickly stopped as the flames got higher.

"Relax, Love. All I did was snap her neck." Klaus grinned at Elena before walking over to Greta. "Are we ready, my lovelies?" Klaus looked around at them before smirking. "I've got the moonstone." Klaus spoke as he took it out of his pocket. "I spent 500 years looking for this. I hate to part with it." He handed it over to Greta as they stood at a huge stone bowl.

"The moon has passed its apex. Remember everything you need to do?" She looked from the moon to Klaus, settling her gaze onto him. "I remember." His voice was low and husky as he spoke. Greta dropped the stone into the big stone bowl, causing huge sparks to fly for a few seconds, before they disappeared and became a strong fire. Greta started chanting in Latin, holding her hands out as she did so.

The werewolf's yells of pains only got louder as her transitioning was happening, only it was slowed down by Greta's spell. Klaus smirked as he sauntered over to Jules, the werewolf. "Everything I did, I was just trying to help Tyler!" She explained, knowing that her death was seconds away. "Are you Jules?" Elena asked with uncertainty and surprise.

"I didn't want him to be alone." She rushed out before she started groaning in pain once again. Klaus stopped outside of the fire circle. "Shall we?" He asked, not expecting an answer. The circle of flames quickly went away, the werewolf watching with fear, knowing she will die. However, she wanted to try to prevent that.

Jules quickly lunged for Klaus, her canines and amber eyes noticeable on her features. Klaus quickly slammed her to the ground and shoved his hand into her chest, his hand grasping her heart. Both Elena and Jenna watched the scene with fear and shock on their faces, their breathing getting heavier.

One single tear slid down Jules face before Klaus ripped out her heart, holding it in his hand. He walked up to the big stone bowl and squeezed the heart slightly, making more blood flow out of it and into the stone. "Tell me it's working." He demanded, his eyes not leaving the blood that had slowly lessened it's flow.

"It's working." Greta said, assuring him, her voice filled with relief and determination to finish the spell. Secret's body started to twitch, slowly waking up, which went unnoticed by everyone. "The day that the lawyers called to tell me that I was going to become your guardian, do you know what my first thought was?" Jenna asked as she sat on the ground, knowing she was next.

"Isn't there someone else who can do this?" Tears formed in both Elena and Jenna's eyes. "Jenna, there was no one else who could have gotten me and Jermey through all of that." Elena reassured her. Secret's twitching finally went noticed by Greta. "Klaus." She spoke, looking over at the vampire. Klaus followed her gaze. "Don't worry, she won't be a problem." He assured Greta.

"It's just the thought that I almost passed up taking care of you." Jenna carried on. "But you didn't!" Elena was cut to respond, crouching down as close as she could get without burning herself. "You put your entire life on hold to help us." Jenna looked over at her. "Look around, Elena. I failed you." Her tone was harsh, before softening with her last sentence.

"No. You didn't, I failed you." Elena spoke, putting the blame on herself. "I'm so sorry." Elena whispered. The two were quiet for a few seconds before Elena glanced at Klaus. "Listen. Being a vampire, it intensifies your guilt. But it also makes you stronger and faster. You can fight back." Elena pointed out, Jenna silently listening. "I'm gonna get through this, I'm going to be okay. I need you to believe that." Elena begged.

"Promise me, when you get the chance..." Her voice lowered to a whisper, not wanting Klaus to hear, even though it's obvious he would. "Run." Jenna slowly nodded. "Okay." She whispered back, her words barely loud enough to be heard.

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