Chapter Twenty-Two

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No One's P.O.V

"Your turn." Klaus spoke, his voice intertwined with a sinister type of venom. "No, Jenna, no!!" Elena pleaded, trying to run to her, but once again the fire stopped her. "It's all right, Elena." Jenna turned slightly to face her. "I know what I have to do." Secret watched silently, her attempts stopped after she realized she wouldn't be set free until Greta wanted her to.

Jenna ran up to Greta and bit viciously into her neck, causing the said witch to scream in pain. Secret gasped as she felt the spell being lifted off of her. She wasted no time on shock, she was quick to rush to Stefan and flip him over to face her. Secret turned back just in time to see Klaus grab Jenna and stab her in the side, taking her off of Greta and letting her fall to the floor.

Secret's eyes were glossy, as tears started to form in her eyes, but never fell. "Jenna!!" Elena's heartbroken voice called out. Secret looked back over at Elena, despite her newfound hatred for the girl, she felt bad. She moved to go into the circle, not caring about the flames, but she was flung back, landing next to Stefan's body.

"Turn it off Jenna, turn it off." Secret demanded as she started to sit up, her eyes focusing on Jenna. "You won't be scared anymore, I promise." Secret noticed the look in Jenna's eyes after she spoke, the look of a vampire with no humanity. Klaus flipped Jenna over and stabbed her in the heart with a stake, taking his time.

"NO! JENNA!" Elena called out, her voice filled with sorrow. Both of the girls watched as the grey started to take over the vampire's body, her veins showing as it crawled its way up. Stefan groaned as he woke up, part of the stake still in his body, reaching his hand back to try and get it out. Secret moved to take it out, but with one small glare from Klaus she stopped and drew her hand back.

Elena and Stefan made eye contact, him realizing that she was crying. He slowly look over to the alter, groaning in pain as he did do. "No." He breathed out as he saw Jenna's dead body with a steak in her heart. "Protect her." He whispered to his sister. Secret narrowed her eyes at Elena, not wanting to, but if she dies her brothers would be distraught and a powerful hybrid would be on the loose.

She gave a small nod as she stood up onto her feet. "I'm so sorry." He whispered to Elena, who silently shushed him. "Are they going to kill him?" The three knew she was talking about Klaus. "Yes." Stefan whispered. Secret felt something tug in heart as she heard this, but she couldn't understand why. Instead of trying to figure it out, she pushed it away, keeping focused on the problem at hand right now.

Klaus started walking up to Elena, causing Secret to move in front of the girl, right before the fire. "Secret, I would move if I were you." He spoke, no playfulness in his tone, his features rock hard as he slightly glared at the girl. "If she dies everything goes to hell. I'm not letting that happen." Secret spoke with confidence and determination.

"I didn't want to hurt you." He moved to snap her neck but she was quick to duck and kick him in the stomach, sending him flying back a few feet and into the ground. "Secret, stop!" Elena tried to reason, but the vampire ignored her. "If she dies I have to watch my brothers go through the grief they went through with Katherine, I'm not letting that happen again." Secret's voice was filled with venom as she glared at the devil man.

"I didn't want to hurt you, Secret, but you leave me no choice." He quickly sped up to her and grabbed her by her throat, lifting her off the ground. Secret gasped for air as she kicked him, trying to get free of his grasp, however it didn't loosen one bit. Klaus threw her off to the side, her body coming into contact with the ground harshly, multiple bones snapping.

"Secret!" Elena called out, worry evident in her words. The vampire groaned as her bones snapped back into place, her body vibrating with pain before it started to heal. She moved to get up again, but with one look from Stefan and a glare from Klaus, she only sat up. "I'm sorry." She directed it to both her brother and the Gilbert doppelgänger.

"It's time." Klaus' voice spoke, a bit of urgent ness behind his words. The fire around Elena disappeared like it had done with the other circles. Elena got up from the ground after a few seconds, ignoring Klaus' outstretched hand and walking right past him. The original chuckled at the girl's behavior, finding it funny. Secret thought it was quite laughable too, if they weren't in this current situation.

Elena walked up to the alter, Klaus not too far behind her as she went. Secret watched helplessly, knowing she shouldn't interfere, but also because a small voice in the back of her mind ordered her not to, that it was meant to happen. Secret didn't want to listen to the voice, but she couldn't seem to go against it, for her body stuck to the floor, not listening to her commands to get up.

Klaus got close to Elena as she looked down at Jenna's body, his hand slowly and gently taking her Ching and turning her head to face him. Secret glared at Elena, rage bubbled underneath her skin as she watched the interaction, she didn't know why she's reacting like this, but she couldn't help it. Her best guess was that Greta casted a spell on her, making her feel all these things and go against her own thoughts.

"Thank you, Elena." Klaus' voice spoke as he stared into Elena's eyes. Stefan groaned as he tried to get up, the pain radiating throughout his body. "Go to hell." She spat at him with as much venom in her words as possible. Stefan fell back the floor with a painful groan, not being able to get up. Klaus smirked as he tilted her head to the side, moving her hair out of the way and leaving her neck bare.

Secret resisted the urge to help Stefan. If she did take the stake out then he would go over and try to save Elena, which would end up with him getting killed. "I'm sorry Stefan, but I'm not gonna let you die for her." She whispered as she used her speed to sit next to him. "If I take the stake out then you'll die trying to save her." Stefan couldn't find himself to be mad at his older sister, for she had good reasoning.

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