Chapter 3

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Hailies P.O.V

I knew I was falling to fast for him. It was just a kiss, yet I felt the fireworks. I sighed as I opened the doors to the castle the village had built for my family. They want me to have a kid. To pass the riches of the family onto someone IN the family. Im an only child and they say its my job to pass the family blood on. Theyve brought MANY boys for me to choose from, but I never felt anything with them. They just seem to want me to have their kids. Thats not what I want. I want something where everything is real. Theres feeling in everything we say to eachother, theres feeling in everything we do together.

"Hello, madam." A young girl smiled sweetly. I returned the favor and nodded towards her. "Uh, I understand youre very busy and you need all the help with this big beautiful house b-but..." She stopped talking, afraid of my answer to her question. My parents were cruel to these kind people. They honestly care about us. They dont do it for the money, they do it because theyre good people and my family has spat on them for centuries. I always tell them to never be afraid to tell me how they feel, but they never listen. Poor things are afriad of me, and I dont like that.

"Spit it out, love." I chuckle. She smiled abit and nodded her head.

"Yes, of course. Um..I just wanted to know if I could take the rest of the day off?" She finished.  I just smiled and nodded.

"Youre excused from your work." I waved her off and she nodded and sped off. I sighed and walked up the stairs. When I reached my door, I closed my eyes. Thinking of how I let my feelings get the best of me.

"Master?" I heard a male voice ask from behind me. I turned around quickly and nodded for him to continue. "It seems like a few humans have reached our doors." He said, he tensed up as I placed my hand on his shoulder. I sighed and pulled it away.

"Its fine. Turn on the thingy so they cant see our village." I ordered softly. He stood there, shocked at my reply.

"Are you sure? Your parents wouldnt be happy with tha-"

"YOU ARE TO DO AS I SAY, ARE YOU NOT?" I shout at him as my fangs show their faces. He whimpers and nods, heading off. I curse myself under my breath and run a hand through my hair.

"I thought you said you werent going to yell at them," I jumped and faced the girl with a baby in her arms. I pursed my lips and held my hands out for my adopted niece. She laughed at what I did and nodded her head, handing Elizabeth over. I looked into her bloody red eyes that shined with sparkles of sunlight yellow. I smiled at the beauty and kissed her head.

"I did," I answered her as I met her water like  blue eyes. "But theres always that part of me my family told me to use." She nodded and looked away fro my death-like eyes. I chuckled and handed Elizabeth back to her.

"Thanks. Shes been crying all day." She said and left me alone. I smiled and walked into my room. The bloody walls stained with something I dont remember. I looked at my bed and saw the bed covers bundled together. I shook my head and looked around more. I never eat in here, thats one. My bed is always made, thats two. My room is ALWAYS clean, thats three.

I called a house meeting and looked everyone in the eye. Everyone knows that when a house meeting is called by me, Im nt as nice as I usually am. I scream, curse, and hiss at them. Theyre shaking in their boots and looking around the room.

"I want your eyes up here." I said sternly. They slowly looked at me. "Now, we have someone who likes go into my room. You know how serious I take that stuff. Its my privacy and no one i-"

"Miss, no one has been in you-"

"YOU MAY NOT HAVE BEEN BUT THERE PLENTY OF PEOPLE WHO HAVE! IF YOU DIDNT DO IT THEN YOU HAVE NOTHING TO WORRY ABOUT!" I shout at her. She whispered a 'yes' and she looked away."anyone have anything to say?" I asked them. They shook their heads. I dismissed them and started to hear whispers from down the hall. I listened in closer and heard every single word.

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