Chapter 5

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Hailies P.O.V (A/N: NOT EDITED!)

"You know," Kayla whispered in my ear, "I feel so bad that I have to end your peoples lovely lives." I hissed in her face and she smiled evily. "And tht Harry boy you were with, he's something special isnt he?" She carried on, running the wooden stake on my neck gently. "In more ways than one, perhaps?" She finished and sliced the side on my neck. I cried out in pain as the blood started to spill out.

"And..." She said as she came infront of my chair, her grey eyes metting mine. "The boys he's always with..." She ripped the cloth out of my mouth, allowing me to talk.

"What boys?" I heaved out. She chuckled darkly and shook her head.

"Surely if you met THE Harry Styles then you have met the whole One Direction?" She asked as she stood up, crossing her arms over her low v-neck purple shirt. I shook my head and she rolled her eyes. "well, it doesnt matter. They cant save you now."

"What do you mean? Theyre mortal!" I said as my mind started to run. What was she talking about? Was she carzy?

"You dont remember?" She asked me. I shook my head and she looked deep into my eyes while touching my hand. "Remember as you look into my eyes, Hailie Lore..." I knitted my eyebrows together on confusion as memories started to come back.

Flash back:

"Hailie...." Mommy called me over from my play time with the kids. I was ten. I ran up to her as she smirked at me. "Me and your father have something to tell you, darling. Come." She grabbed my hand gently and walked along the road to our house. I looked at the rusty gate as the paint started to come off with every blow of the wind. I looked up at mommy to see her looking dead ahead.

"This way..." She whispered as she gently opened the gates. The lady at our door turned around and smiled nervously. "May I ask what youre doing here, Anne?" Mommy asked sternly. I staired at the baby in her hands. His blue eyes meeting mine. His blonde hair hardly visible and the dimples showing their faces as he smiled happily. I looked to my side and saw for other women standing there with babies in there hands. I tugged at my mothers sleeve and pointed at the four. she smiled down at me, sonething was wrong. I could feel it.

"I would like you to meet Anne and her baby, Harry." I smiled at Anne and she smiled back warmly. I grabbed Harrys hand in my cold one and made a silly face. He laughed and pulled at my curls. I hissed in pain as he tugged them hard. I smiled in pain at the little baby and saw him smile back.

"How old are you, darling?" Anne asked me. I looked at mommy, making sure I would say the right age.

"She knows, Hailie Lore." My mother said. She never called me anything but my full name. The only time she called me anything else then my name was when she was doing she wasnt supposed to. "She's 100 years old." My mother answered.

"wow, she looks ten!" Anne said. I blushed deeply. "By the time Harry turns eighteen, youll be-what?- 1800?" She asked us. I nodded and felt someone tug at my leg. I looked down and sw a baby with a hat on his head. His features very vivid.

"And whos this?" I asked to no one. A lady came up and picked the child up quickly. She smiled sweetly at me and kissed the childs cheek.

"This is Louis." She answered as he waved at me. I waved back and saw two others make their way over. I looked at the oe with dark skin and tickled his stomach.

"Thats my Zayn," A woman answered fro behind him. He turned around and ran to her. I looked at the baby with a binkie in his mouth and grabbed his hands in mine. He smiled and gave me a hug.

"and thats Liam." His mother says. I smile and walk up to the lady who hasnt said anything.

"May I?" I ask her.  She nods after awhile and shows me her baby. I smile as I see he has brown hair with blue eyes. I made a silly face like i did with Harry and he laughed.

"His names Niall.." The mother said. I met her eyes and smiled at her.

"Lovely name." I said to all of them. They nod and turn their heads to my mother.

"Come...We cant let them get sick can we?" She said. They nodded and we followed her in. My father was in the kitchen.

"Are they here?" He yelled when he heard the door open.

"Yes, babe!" Mommy answered. She waved the mommies over and they started to talk to eachother.

"I refuse to let my kid get involved with killing werewolves and saving vampires with their blood. He'll die!" Anne yelled. I heard a baby crying after her words.

"WELL, THEYRE GOING TO IN THE FUTURE WHEN YOURE NOT THERE TO PROTECT THEM!" Daddy yelled at her. I closed my eyes. The stories were true.

Five boys were to be choosen to die for our home, their blood making a force field that no one but vampires could get through. Those babies would have to die when the wolves declared war.

Flashback Over

I gasped as she took her hand away and her eyes turned from sun light gold to grey again. Harry was....Oh. My. God!

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