Chapter 38

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Hailies P.O.V

I walked the streets with my head down and tears running down my face. Constant 'are you okay' questions were thrown my way but I just nodded and quickly walked away from them. What is wrong with people? If someones crying, and has their head down, do they look okay? No ones gonna cry and and not make eye contact with anyome if they're happy. If ANYTHING, they'll run around screaming the precious news! So, no, I'm not fucking okay!

I walked into the cafe and sat near the window. I took a napkin and whipped away the tears before breathing slowly. I put my head in my hands and closed my eyes.

I was tired.

Tired of the fighting. Tired of the 'makeup, breakup' shit. Tired of living a double life. Tired of lying to the village, then Harry. Tired of the drama. Just....Tired. I'm tired of fighting for something I'll never get. I'm tired of making up just to break it off again.

I have NO more strength. Was it worth it? Trying to balance two worlds at once? Trying to love someone who I KNOW I can't? Getting pregnant?

"Can I sit here?" I heard an Irish accent say. I looked at them and smiled.

"Sure, Niall." I mumble. He sits across from me and smikes weakly.

"Look...I, uh, wanted to talk." He said awkwardly. I nodded for him to continue and he did. "I wanted to talk about something that you probably wont remember..."

"I doubt that. I remember EVERYTHING." I chuckled lightly.

"Not this," He mumbled. "I-I know. I know you're...What you are."


"I know. Last night...Someone came over. They uh...They helped me. I don't know how they got in, or how they knew where I lived-"

"Move on." I sighed while leaning in.

"They told me that I needed to remember everything. I didn't know what that meant but they placed a hand on me and I began to receive memories I didn't have. And they were about us..." He whispered the last part and my eyes went wide.

"Did the others have the same thing?" I asked in a hush tone. He swallowed and shrugged.

"I-I don't know, honestly." He answered. His blue, frightened eyes met mine. "What were they, Hails?"

"I-I don't know..." I answered. I sighed and stood up. "Come with me."

"Where are we going?" He asked as he followed me out the cafe.

"My place. We have some research to do." I answered.


My rate increased as I stopped at the gates. They were visible to me and I knew they were to Niall.

"Wow," He whispered. "What is this place?"

"My home." I said as I pushed the gate open. The once empty area behind the gates was soon filled with houses and people. "OUR home."

"Miss, who is he?" A lady asked. "He's human!"

"I know. I have some business to take care of with him. Gather around!" I yelled the last part to everyone. The sit at the fountain and became quiet.

"This Niall," Some gasp at my words and stared at the Irish boy. He waved. "Niall, these are the people of the village."

"Nice to meet you all." He mumbled and everyone nodded.

"Um. He's here to do finish some business. So don't bother us. Thank you!" I smile at everyone and they smile back.

"MOM!" Lithianum yelled as he hugged my leg. Lothiumis soon did the same.

Vampire Queen..(1D Fanfic)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα