Chapter 37

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A/N: I know I said I wouldn't put these at the beginning, they waste time. But, this is important. In this chapter, you will read something you probably wont understand. Neither do I, honestly! It will become clearer as we go on...So, don't freak out. The man in this chapter, obviously, is a mutant. Why is he in this story? That, I can't say. What's his story? His past? That, I can't say either. He isn't a dark angel. He isn't ANY type of angel. He's a mutant. Trust me. Okay, don't trust me on that. I could be messing with you ;) BUT ITS SUPPOSED TO BE A CLIFFY! ILYSM!

Zayns P.O.V

I opened my eyes but hissed and closed them instantly. The curtains were drawn back and the sunlight was shining through the glass window. I sat up slowly and looked around. Nothing was out of place. It seemed as if last night was dream. A killer njghtmare, is more like it. I don't understand though...If I had known Hailie, Harrys girlfriend, I think I would remember. But, then I think;

'Everything fits in place now. Why I could never remember those years as good as everyone else could.'

Did something happen to where I couldn't remember.

'Well, obviously, idiot! You FORGOT a vital part of your life! It didn't just...DISAPPEAR!!!'

I shook my head and sighed. I placed a hand over my heart. I'm going crazy. I felt a pain in chest and heaved in a breath. That only made it worse though. I got out of bed, ignoring the dizziness I had gotten. Maybe I stood up to fast. I swallow hard and slowly walked to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror and noticed the mess of hair, the bags under my eyes, the bloodshot eyes I had, the paleness my skin held, the tired look my face consumed.

I. Looked. Horrible!!

There was something strange though. I didn't immediately grab the brush and hair spray. I didn't run my finger over my black hair. I didn't freak out. I stood still. Doing nothing. My heart rate increased and the beating reached my ears. The dryness in my mouth didn't leave.

I heard a bang, and a crash. I opened the bathroom door and looked into my bedroom. Glass was all over the floor. The picture of Perrie suddenly went flying towards my head and I ducked quickly. My eyes widened and the sleepiness suddenly left my system. The window flew open, and wind instantly came in.

I stood, gob smacked by the sight. My eyes took in the body that was suddenly standing infront of me. The large wings covered in black wings. A golden feather sticking out in one of them. Tattoos covered their tan skin. They were shirtless but had pants, black pants, on. Their black combat boots made them an inch or so taller. Their muscles stuck out largely. Their wings were about six feet, to hold their weight and height- I guess. Their head was down and they were breathing heavily.

"Who are you?" I asked them. They raised their head slightly, a fraction, so their cloudy grey eyes could meet mine. Their jaw tightened and their eyebrows were knitted together. They crossed their arms over their bare chest.

"None of your business." He smirked, showing off his bright white fangs. "Zayn."

"What do you want?" I whispered in fear. They chuckled and shook their head.

"They want you, Zayn. I'm just doing my job." He raised his hands in defeat. I shook my head in disbelief.

"WHAT FUCKING JOB!?!" I shouted. He growled and glared at me.

"Don't yell at me!" He ordered with clenched fists. "Its time Zayn. You have a huge role to play. It could make or break them. Your the turning point, the climax. They want to make surs you choose the right side."

"Who's 'they'?" I asked clueless.

"You'll find out." He waved off the question. "Just understand this; Familys will die, hearts will be torn, fright will fall upon human race, people will kill eachother. All for what? Why? You making the wrong choice, will cause this madness!"

"I know I have a big affect on the world, but that's just being dramatic!" I reasoned. But he didn't chuckle, laugh, or even smirk.

"We have a long travel back, and your wasting precious time. Lets go." He said bluntly. He threw me ober his shoulder and flew into the sky.

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