Chapter 15

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A/N: I KNOW YOU GUYS WANT AN UPDATE SO HERES ONE. I'm sorry I've been doung this lately, honestly, updating and making you guys like.... What? Almost a month everytime? That's not right. So, anyway, I don't know if my updates are long are short because my phone doesn't say how many pages. If this and the others are short, let me know - honestly. I hate it if I give a update and it looks long but its not.... That's shitty. ANYWAY this is turning into a A/N and no chapters....BUT THATS NOT THE CASE HERE! :) ok, chap time!

Hailies P.O.V

I woke up, in his arms. I loved it, honestly. His warm body against mine. His perfect features only standing out more when he's this close. It warmed my hear- ok, this is...

I liked my lips and closed my eyes as I thought about what my dead brother told me.


"Hailie....?" He whispered as his pale blue eyes met mine. I remember when they held so much love, care, freedom, happiness, no fear or remorse... Now? They held different. They held pain, hurt, sadness, fear and remorse... And the opposite of freedom- CAPTIVITY.

I gulped and looked at the wall ahead of me, I was scared. He was the only family I had that actually UNDERSTOOD me. Now, he was ready. He wanted to leave me - the unhopeful sister who needed him. That shoulder to cry on. I needed HIM. The world may not know it but he MEANT SOMETHING TO ME. We always had eachother, from advice to comfort. He was my other half, something I wouldn't lose without a fight.

"Hey," He started. "It'll be fine! Just....Make sure of this one thing alright?" He asked without telling me what it was. He sighed and chuckled at my confusion. "When your heart goes hot instead of cold, when your heart starts to break from that icey shard around it, then you'll get what I mean. Hailie, just be happy. I don't care who its with. A human? HELL. As long as they love you and they're willing to go through that icey stabbing shield that's over your heart- then I'm okay with it." He breathed a heavy sigh as his eyes grew wider and paler.

"Jamal?" I whispered to him. He grasped my hand in his. He started to shake but the next thing he says made me smile.

"I'm always gonna be there. Whenever you feel that cold wind while it fills your ears with a gentle whistling tone we always used, you know I'm there. I love you, Hailie. Always will." He said and that was his last breath before he went limp on the bed. I didn't bother to tell mom or dad- as they would just scream at me, saying its my fault, and because Jamal never wanted them to know when he would pass.


I felt a gentle breeze brush over my shoulder as the gentle whistle filled my ears. He always did this. I got used to it. Everytime I quizzed my feelings or felt confused he would always seem to be there. And, some how, I would always make the right decision after that. It was like he was giving me the answer to life itself - It creeped me out but made me smile to know our bond never broke. I opened eyes to see Harry looking back. He smiled a lazy smile and hugged me tight. He kissed my neck as he dugged his head into the crook of my neck. I smiled as the warm sensation flew over me again. At that moment, I knew what he - Jamal- meant. He meant for me to look after my feelings. I know it sounds creepy but its not. He wanted me to look out for that warm feeling no vampire got. He wanted me to look out for that feeling.

The feeling of love. Being loved. And LOVING. He wanted this and I knew he could never be wrong. Harry was my other half now. Someone who Jamal wanted me to be with. I kissed Harrys cheek and he smirked.

"I need to go." I sighed as I pulled away. Harry tried to pull me down but he wasn't that strong being the fact that I had vampire strength. He whimpered and held onto me as I sat up. "Harry! Let go!" I chuckled as he gave me the puppy look. I rolled my eyes and fell back onto the bed.

"So sweet and sour at the same time," He whispered in my ear. I bit my lip. His green eyes found my odd ones and he gave me a confused look.

"Your eyes," He said. I smiled at his shocked face. My eyes had different ways of showing how I felt.

"I know," I said back. "A sea purple like color mixed with a diamond like shine in the middle right?" I asked and he nodded. "Its showing I feel, Harry. My eyes are like a mood ring."

"Then the gold ring-"

"I was thristy," I cut him off. He nodded and kissed my lips sweetly.

"What are you feeling, then?" He asked with a broad smirk. I met his once more and I felt mushy on the inside.

"Loved, lovable, and loving - Like I can love anything right now. I also..." I heaved a breath. Was this coming out.

"You what?" He asked me.

"I also fell in love. These colored eyes, Harry, show nothing but love." I whispered as he drew closer and closer to me. "Don't believe me? Look deeper."

He smirked and kissed me lovingly. "I'm in love to, believe it or not. Its not supposed to be like Twilight shit accept the roles are reversed. But, who said it was going to be like that?" He chuckled as he pulled me closer.

"I guess we love different people huh?" I joked. "There's noway you're describing the girl right me, Sir."

"HAHA!" He jokingly laughed. "Believe it or not, I am babe. I'm talking about you, love. I. Love. YOU."

"Loves you too." I said back. He smiled and sat up. He looked at me as I was standing next to the door in my clothes. He licked his lips and looked me up and down.

"Coming back soon?" He quizzed. I nodded blew him a quick kiss before leaving in vampire speed.


"Miss." They started. "There isnt that much out there now! Everyone seems to be out in the daytime!"

"I UNDTERSTAND THAT!" I shouted at them. "But these boys you're asking for, they have their time and place and place here. Its just not time to bring them here yet." I said, hoping the subject would be dropped. The committee sighed in defeat.

"You ARE the boss...." One of them said. "Understand this though... Your parents would never do this!"

"SHUT UP ABOUT THEM ALREADY! IM TRYING MY BEST FOR CRYING OUT LOUD! YOU THINK ITS EASY BEING IN MY SHOES?! YEAH, BUDDY, YOU WOULDNT LAST A MINUTE LIVING MY LIFE. ITS HARD!!" I screeched at him. "GET OUT!" I shouted and they left. I rubbed my temples. Can't they see I'm trying my best? I want to help them but when it the cost is love, can I do it? Damn.....

Where are you NOW, Jamal?

Harrys P.O.V

I smiled at thought of us loving eachother. She said it. My raised when the words left her mouth. It was a cheesy moment, I will admit, but it was the best cheesiest moment ever.

I honestly do love this girl. No one knows she was my heart. No one knows she had me around her finger. No one knows thay I'm running behind her always like a love sick puppy. No one knows I go out looking for things to show my love. No one knows....

No one knows any of it....

A/N: OKAY! This is sort of a filler but I left not only one, but TWO- I think- cliffhangers. Can you find them ;) Ok, don't know if this is long or not but its 11:22 PM where I am (US) so umm.... NIGHT LOVES YOU! VOTE, COMMENT, FAN! WHATEVER YOU WANT LOVELIES! :)

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