Chapter 26 Part 1

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Harrys P.O.V

That's it. She's gone. She left me. I looked down at the body and groaned. What was I to do now?!?! I sighed. I don't know where to hide it but Ill just called cops and say I found a dead, eaten body in my house. I looked at my feet and saw them covered in blood. I carefully stepped out of them and ran to my room.

"911. What's your emergency?" The lady said. I heaved a breath and told her everything. She said the cops would be there soon. No shit. The station is only what? Two or three blocks away from here.

I ran down stairs, careful not to step in blood. I opened the door.

"Um... There it is." I whispered. The man looked green and called for back up. Once they were FULLY here, they took the body and searched the place.

I was nervous. They really good at finding people but...... What happens if they find Hailie, Lithianum, ans Lothiumis? The love of my life and the two kids she's taking care of? The mini family that isn't human? God, what have I done?

Hailies P.O.V

He called the police. Its all over the place! Everyone wont stop talking about it.

"Miss," Lothiumis whispered, "What happened to us?" I sighed and kissed his cheek.

"Mother nature happened." I answered. "Don't you feel bad for what you did. We did what was natural for us, you hear?" He nodded.

"Um....." Lithianum said. "Can I call you mom?" I smiled and nodded.

"MOM!" They shouted as they attacked me in hugs. I laughed and carried them around the castle and village.

Everyone smiled and the kids wanted to play with the boys. I obliged and went to talk to the elderly.

"Hey," I said.Ms. Isdearh (Is-dee-ar) patted the seat next to her and smiled.

"Hailie..." She started slowly. "You need to listen to me." I nodded. "I know you don't believe in people seeing the future but last night. I saw it. The future for you. I wasn't happy with it. Your marriage with a human. I know you fall in love with anyone, the opposite of you. You and this you and this young man define it. But you must realise you go through trials and situations you never experienced before. I know you want a relationship that doesn't have arguements. But, all relationships do. Especially if the two are in different worlds- literally. I saw love in your eyes, his too, so I'm saying for you and him. Don't let anything, not even us, stop you from loving eachother. Your love is too special to forget and leave. Its a lesson to the world, humans vampires werewolves- anything! Don't let anything stand in your way of this love you two share."

"W-what did he look like?" I asked, hoping it wasn't Harry. An image came into my mind.

"I think you know just by the look on your face." She giggled. I smiled weakly and pecked her cheek.

"Thank you." I whispered.

" Go." She suddenly said as her eyes turned a sea green color "Go to him. Leave the kids. This isn't their time to go with you. He needs you. He's in danger. Go!" She urged me out of the chair and pushed me along.

I roamed the streets aimlessly, not knowing where to look first. You would expect me to right? I caught onto his scent but it was suddenly over powered by another and I couldn't find him. I knew the scent was Neptunes and a mortals scent doesn't stand a chance against a gods. I decided to follow his scent but I took my time. I knew when Harry was near, my heart will leap to life.

"I love her!" A husky deep voice shouted pleadingly. "Don't hurt her, please." My heart galloped with every word, my skin hot with anger as I heard the pleas leave his lips, my eyes saw nothing but death and destruction. I made my way to the two and hissed. I knew Poseidon wouldn't be easy to fight, he's a god for heavens sake! He can get hurt but will never die. That's the hard part. To get him to stop and leave you alone- something that I've never been able to do.

"Ah, Hailie!" He yelled as he faced me. "Come to see your boy die?" I narrowed my eyes at him, clenching my fists.

"Hails," Harry whispered. "You should know that he's -"

"I know." I growled. I had grabbed my water necklace Poseidon had given me when we first met and thrown it on when I smelled him. It would block his powers from making an impact. He had given me two and, knowing he would go after Harry, gave to Harry and told him never to take it off. He didn't intend to anyway. With this on, its just fist and mind games.

"Oh, cmon!" Poseidon laughed mockingly. "Why so serious?"

"Plenty of reasons to be serious with you around." I spat back. He straightened himself and became deadly as well.

"I see," He said. "Well, may I ask why you are here?"

"I heard someone shout and plead with you. Something they should never do, Poseidon." I cocked an eyebrow and he shrugged.

"What are you going to do?" He hissed with an evil laugh. "IM A GOD! I CAN RIP YOU TWO JUST LIKE THAT!" He was oblivious to the fact that I had the necklace and so did Harry.

"Try it." I challenged. Harry shook his but I ignored him.

Poseidon raised his hand and some water, filthy, sprung and went to attack but I just as the necklace glowed a dark night blue, almost black, as neon green spirls sprung from it, taking in the water. It soon spurted red flames that singed the clothes he was wearing.

It my defense system and I loved it. He looked shocked and yet pleased by my smartness.

"Smart," He pointed a finger me as water swirled around my feet. "But is your boyfriend that smart?" He teased, again, oblivious to Harrys necklace. He had about three on. One he would tonight. The water suddenly turned into a Triton and flew at his neck. Harry stood frozen, unable to move from shock.

His necklace did the same as mine but when it spilled out the water, it turned into vines and rapped Poseidon up. I took action and slamed him into the wall.

"I suggest you leave us alone." I hissed. Something flicked in eyes, happiness? Huh? He suddenly turned into droplets of water.

I groaned and punched the wall, where his head would be. "Damn you!" I hissed.

"You came back." Harry chocked out. I faced him and sighed.

"I'm not staying." I said with pain. I left him before he could argue and found myself infront of a random house. I have to collect blood for my people.

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