Chapter 10

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Harrys P.O.V

A week has gone by since that happened. I haven't seen Hailie since then to. I sighed and looked at Lou who was smiling and laughing with El. I looked at the others, Liam and Zayn, to see them hugging their girlfriends. Why can't my life be like that? I shook my head as heard a sweet voice fill my head.

"Harry..." It whispered, "She's gone..." I heaved in a breath, unwilling to believe it. She wouldn't leave me, would she? Great, Harry, now you're having second thoughts!

"HAZZA!" Someone screamed causing me to jump. Louis looked at me with concern. I can see why...

"Are you okay?" He asked and I nodded, telling a fib. He sighed and sat next to me. "I know we grew apart, but we're still best mates right? Telling eachother everything whats happening in our lives. Telling jokes the others don't get. I miss the cheeky, always up beat Harry! What's wrong? And dont you dare tell me nothing!" He said. I looked at him to see true concern, something I haven't seen from Louis.

"I met this girl," I started, "And she wasn't a shag. Hell, we didn't even have sex! Anyway, last night. That's what bothers me. We had the same dream. It wasn't even happy! It had romance, loss, and heartbreak. It was like a movie! It freaked both of us out and she had fled a few minutes later, without saying goodbye. I think I love her, Louis!" I finished while putting my head in my hands. He patted me back.

"Yeah, you love her. What's her name? We can look her up!" He suggested. Even though I knew it wouldn't work but it was worth a try!

"Hailie..." I said. Shit! What's her last name?!

"Last name?" Lou asked me. I licked my lips, trying to figure out a good guess. Somethings telling me McManus!

"McManus!" I say as if I just found out. He smirked and typed it in. He clicked the first link and gasped. I looked and saw a story about her.


Hailie McManus, princess of vampires. Some say she grew up hating humans, as vampires would, but some disagree. The legend says that she would flee at night, helping anyone in need. She would put a special ring on, blocking her from being burned by the sun. She would spend her time with children, smiling and laughing at them. Its said that she died from carelessy eating a food with garlic. Some say a maid in the castle tried to kill her but some believe she did it as a suicide attempt. Her father, Ford McManus, was said to have cut her arm open, inserting not only the sun ring but silver bullets. He believed that this would save his only child and right he was. Her mother, Heather McManus, however, believed her daughter should've died and died with peace. She believed that vampires die for a reason. She still loved Hailie, but, like her husband, never showed it. At a yound age, its said that Hailie saw horrible things. Its also said that, in the future, she will fall deeply in love for one of the five, Harold. There were five chosen new borns that were to give up their lives for Hailies village. Their blood was to make a force field, blocking the wolves that will once declare war on her home. Harold, however, is supposed to be turned into one of the wolves, betraying his love for power. Its said that once Hailie finds out, she'll kill her only love causing her to die from a heartbreak. The story ends with the two love doves falling together, like puzzle pieces and the war ending because of their love for eachother.



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