Chapter 41

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Harrys P.O.V

I flinch as I hear her footsteps fade. She killed Lou's family. She murdered my best mates family.

Reality just hit me. And hit me hard. The love of my life, the woman carrying my child, has killed my best friends family. Fucked up right?

I shake my head and head up stairs to the shower. My muscles relax under the steam of the hot water and I close my eyes. I just stand there, thinking.

1) I'm having a child. Emotion: Happy, excited.

2) My lover, girlfriend, killed Louis family. Emotion: Shock, hurt.

3) I'm in love with a vampire. Emotion: I don't even know.

4) Why does it feel like 'Twilight Gone Wrong'? Emotion: None.

I'm messed up. I turn off the shower and get out. I grab a towel and head out the bathroom.

After getting dressed, drying my hair, and eating. I grab about three sharp knives and head out. I don't know where, but somewhere.


I reach a near by forest and walk for about miles before falling into a hole. I groan before looking around and see a hall. I slowly get up, brushing myself off, and heading in slowly. I grab hold off the rock wall as my eyes wander around the hideout. I look about me to see a hole. I look at the carved in steps along the wall and decide to walk up them. When I reach the top, I'm looking out the top of the caves hole. I lokk around and see pockets formed to hold weapons. I place my knives in one of the free ones and see guns, arrows, and bombs. I also see a tiny whistle.

I pick it up and place it at my lips. As I was about to blow, I see a tiny town, a castle like house, and people. I place the whistle back and pick up the binoculars to see closer. Once I do, I see a fountain pouring very little red liquid. I feel the need to go hunt once seeing it and I leave the top of the cave to reach the bottom and leave. I see a hand made knife and grab it before heading out.


I crouch on a tree branch, knife tightly held in my hand, looking at the bear infront of me as it feasts on fish. I growl before jumping off the branch, onto its back, and stabbing it repeatedly. It cries out in pain and tries to fight back. However, I had fur of the head in my hands and I was yanking the head back.

I was treating it like an untamed horse. Once one of the eyes met mine, I quickly jabbed the knife in its eyes. As it opened it mouth, I cut the bottom jaw off. I stabbed the other eyes and just....Deformed its face. After awhile, the bear fell and didn't take another breath. I dragged it back to the cave and found some buckets. I hung it by its neck and started cutting the stomach open so the blood and guts would fall out. As that was happening, I started cleaning up and looked at the mirror. Drops of blood ran over my face and the green in my eyes were a forest brown. I looked closer and saw the bear in my eyes. I blinked and I saw green again. I slowly turned around and saw that the bear was completely drained.

I grabbed the bucket and headed for the tiny village. I stopped at the gates, hiding behind a tree. I didn't want them to see me. I took the tiny thrill knife in fingers before throwing it inside the village and into the fountain. Once everyone was distracted, I quickly placed the bucket on the floor and ran away to grab the bear.

When I had returned, the bear was gone. There was writing on the wall.

'A Dar ý A Tomar. La Da es La Tomador.'

I gasped and turned away but I then came to see more writing.

'Usted son la da, la tomador.'

I gulp before running out of the cave and out if the forest.

"I need some sleep..." I mumble to myself.

A/N: SORRY! 8:31PM (American Time..) I'm late :( I've been thinking too much. And I'm sorry for ling wait (even though I said every Thursday I'll be updating). Forgive me. Idk if its short or not. But please. Tell me if it is? Thank you for the reads, votes, fans, and comments! xx ilysm!

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