Chapter 50

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Hailie sat on her bad, her arms wrapped around her stomach as she sighed. She didn't no what it meant.

The signs. She never did. She placed her hands out and watched them, waiting for another hint.

...But nothing came. Nothing happened. No hint, warning, nothing!

She walked to her mirror and watched herself. She saw something move in the glass and she lifted her eyes to meet the cause.

There, was a pale woman. Her eyes held death and, under them, was blood- As if she had cried the red liquid. Her skin, although pale, was burnt. In some spots, there wasn't any skin. Her face held an emotionless expression and she watched me. Her fingers twitched against her black and white gown.

Hailie noticed the wings, all white but a single feather- That feather, was gold.

"Death is a horrible thing," The woman whispered, her voice coming from all directions. "Let nothing hold you down and drown you in its sea. There are warnings and clues everywhere..."

"T-then where are they?" Hailies voice was small. "Where?"

"That, you find out yourself," The woman placed her hands on her own stomach. "But let nothing break the thing that'll keep you alive..."

The woman disappears and Hailie looks over her shoulder, hoping she would return and say more.

Wind blew around the room and Hailie noticed a book on her bed, flipping through pages, pictures, until it landed on a particular one.

She moved closer and noticed it was her grand. She looked up, seeing the same woman.

"Its your turn..." Hailie watched the woman, afraid to blink, and noticed it was Rose. "Its Harrys as well..."

"H-how-" Hailie tried to speak but Rose was gone within seconds. Seconds. The book closed and vanished into nothing- As if it was never there...

Zayn sat in a tree, learning how to fly faster and how to blend in. He tucked his wings in and watched the Vampires quietly. His eyes landed on the castle and they never left the master bedrooms windows. He jumped from tree to tree, being careful to not be caught.

He stopped at the window, backing into the shadows as he watched the pregnant Queen Hailie. His eyes became hard as he clenched his fists. He watches as she speaks to her stomach and rubs it, eyes closed as she stands- As if she was praying to God.

"Good luck woth that." He scuffs and watches more. Hailie, he watched, grabbed a glass filled with ice cubes. She picked one up, and it instantly melted.

Zayn leaned in, interested in what the woman was doing. The water soon become ice formed in an arrow.

It glowed with flames inside as it aimed at his head and flew, out the window and towards him. He was quick to jump to another tree and watch as the arrow broke and the tree become inflamed.

It quickly stopped, as if it never happened, and Zayn noticed it was a power. It was to trick people.

"Different..." Zayn mumbled and left the scene...

Harry was in the bedroom of his house, watching the world outside of him. He felt a coll breeze on the back of his neck and sighed. He rubbed the area and felt a gentle, almost playful, push.

He turned as he heard a tiny giggle. He looked around but saw nothing. He blink and in walked a girl, about seven. She was followed by a man.

He wore a Kings cape and his brown hair was slicked back. He held himself with pride. Harry could see through him- Not much, but enough to notice. It was the same with ghost.

The man had blue eyes and scars...

"Are you Harry?" The voice boomed from all over the house.

"Y-yes..?" Harry swallowed as the man nodded, watching him. "May I ask who you are?"

"Finoni." He answered bluntly. "Sit."

A/N: 'Heavenly Sent' is a Louis book! Read it for me or no Vampire Queen. 15+ Reads and ATLEAST 4+ Votes on it? Some feed back as well! If not, I put this story ON HOLD!!!....Yeah, try me!





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