Chapter 43

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Hailies P.O.V

I walk into the kitchen, grabbing the huge plate of food and eating it all. I grab four cans of blood and drink it as I walk out the castle and down the road. I stop infront of the tiny hospital and sigh. I walk inside and gulp. Many eyes turned towards me and most smiled while others held in their excitement. I smiled at everyone and went to the front desk. The lady looked up with a glare and chewed on her gum obnoxiously. Ugh.

"May I help you?" She hissed, clearly unhappy. I raised an eyebrow.

"Here for a check up." I say, knowing everyone was listening. She sighs and writes something before handing it to me and telling me where to go. I thank her and begin my way down the halls.

Soft gasps left the little ones mouth. I stopped infront of a window that held babies. Beautiful babies. One opened her ocean blue eyes and they quickly fluttered closed.

I smile and think of my baby here. I turn my head and keep walking. I stop at the door and took in a deep breath. I knocked and the door instantly opened to show Dr. Kendish smiling. He motioned for me to enter and I did.

"A helf human baby," He shakes his head as he places the cold gell on my stomach. "Very rare in the family. Usually skips about ten generations."

"Are telling me I wasn't supposed to have a half blood? It was supposed to skip me?" I ask him. That's how this kingdom started. A vampire had cleverly built the place and many lived here but he became lonely. He had tried to find true love but failed with every female in the village. Soon, a woman unknowingly walked into the village, human in fact, and the king had fallen for her. Ever since, vampire and human blood has been in the royal family. But its said that every ten generations, the royal blood will fall for a human.

"No, no," He shakes his head quickly as he puts the gloves on and starts to move the micro thingy around on my stomach, trying to find my baby. "You fall for who fall for. But its rare. Your father wasn't born a vampire. Your mother turned him so he could survive. That's what happened with every human in your family. They were turned. Your mother was the tenth generation. So, you should've fallen for a vampire. But you didn't. And that's okay."

I just nod, not knowing what to say. He stops the thingy and smiles at me.

"She was hard to find but she's there." He points at the screen and I smile. My little baby. My child.

"Mommys baby girl?" I ask. He chuckles and nods. He gave me whipe to wipe the gell off as he cleaned the thingy...Thinger...I don't even know!

"I'll see you next time?" He says and I nod as I leave the room. I walk out the hospital and back home.


"MOM!" I hear Lithianum say as him and Lothiumis run in. "Harrys here.."

"Where?" I ask as I stand up.

"I-In the forest!" Lothiumis says quickly. "So are two more guys! And Nialls here to see you."

"Okay, thank you. Go up stairs for me." I say quickly and the nod while running away.

"Beautiful kids.." I hear his Irish accent say. "What's wrong?"

"Too much. I have to check something but I can't leave you." I place him on my back and dart to the forest in vampire speed.

They couldn't be...

A/N: Ilysm. I know its short. My phone wasn't paid and my computer broke (even though Wattpad doesn't let me log on through computer anway).xx

Vampire Queen..(1D Fanfic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora