Chapter 21

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A/N: THANKS FOR THE READS! LOVE YOU GUYS...Ok, honestly, I'm listening to Stole My Heart of the Up All Night album.... I do listen to the Take Me Home album but the first album- to me- is something too good to NOT listen to. Its truly lovely, like Take Me Home. Ok, chapter 21. :) There are Hailie feels btw. Just her thoughts! And maybe Harrys. ;)

Hailies P.O.V

I woke up in my arm, with Lithianum and Lothiumis under my arms. Something wasn't right. Nothing felt right. The boys, uts as if they were to be here. Like they're ment to be here. As if someone planned them ending up here. I got out of the bed carefully and looked out the window. Hr was on my mind. His curly hair, how he alseays played with his lips when he was thinking of a way to say what he was thinking. He had stolen my heart. He was truly mine. I was in love him. I saw his flaws as his perfection, his perfection as.....perfection. I saw him as the definition of perfect. He defined love- for me. He was an example of saftey, love, gold, warmth, in my eyes. He is something I need inorder to survive. It sounds crazy, psychotic even! But, at the same time, the truth. I needed him, he was my world- something I lived off of.

"Miss," I heard Lithianum say sweetly. I faced him to see brown streaks at the roots. "Miss, what's wrong?"

"Lithianum," I started slowly, "Are you a brunette?" He nodded slowly. I sighed and nodded with a visible gulp.

"Miss, I'm rather hungry." He said, his strong accent filling the room. I smiled and walked to the night stand.

"Hello," A young voice answered happily. "How may I help you?"

"Yes, I would like breakfast." I said rather tiredly. Last night had taken its toll on me.

"Yes, ma'am." She said. I faced Lithianum.

"What would you like, Lithian?" I asked, giving him a nickname. He smiled before reaching for the phone.

"Oh," Miss started. "Its a boy ordering?"

"Yes, Miss." I answered as I handed him the phone. I faced the window once more.

The fog covering the low cut grass and the peoples feet. The wooden and brick built houses holding strongly as the wind shook the umbrellas like rag dolls. The rain coming in sheets. I placed my hand on the icey cold window, wishing to feel the raindrops on my skin. Wishing to jump in puddles, small and large, with the little ones as our clothes got soaked.

Oh, how I just wish I could live normally- like the people out side the dry, boring, plain white, memory holding room. Oh, how I wish to see the moon glisten on the ocean as the waves efface the footprints I made in the sand. To see the dark blue be darkened to black as it met the horizon- far from the moonlight. To see the streetlights shine on the wet wood, making the boardwalk, and make things less bland. Letting see light. The bright colors clashing with the bright white on the blackish blue canvas known as the ocean. I wish I could that calm scene like when I was younger but I can't.

And I probably wouldn't if I had the chance, I thought to myself.

I still wish, though, I still wish.

Harrys P.O.V

I miss her. Her scent, how it filled the room as soon as she entered. Her smile lighting up my day, her laugh bringing me to new joys. Her eyes, the way they change so you can never guess she's there just by eye contact. She makes me whole, she makes my heart melt like its in a pit of lava. I love the new feelings that emerge when I'm with her. I love the fact the I can see her soul and feel what she feels. I love her imperfections, I love her perfections. I love.....


How she wants the silence to last forever, saying it speaks for itself. How she can stand noise but not long because it breaks her train of thought. How she does what she does, and yet still finds time for me. How the village is ready to kill me but she stands tall and rady to defend me from it all. How, instead of me being the Knight in shining armor, she's the protective princess who doesn't let the Knight do anything.

I love her and nothing will be able to change that.

A/N: OK! I need a shipping nane for Haz + Hails! Mind telling me? Anyway, sorry for any errors and hope you guys like it!

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