Chapter 40

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Louis P.O.V

I walked the streets of London with my head down. Billboards had 'This Is Us. Coming Soon' with a picture of me and boys smiling. I shake my head. I know we make people happy, its a blessing really, but sometimes the fame is just....Annoying! I love our fans, the people who care about us, but the paps? Well, they can go to hell.

"Louis!" A loud voice said behind me. I didn't dare face them so I kept walking. "How are you and El? Does she know that your cheating?"

"WHAT!?! NO! IM NOT CHEATING!" I shout and face them with my fists clenched.

"How do you feel about your families death?" Heartless mother fucker! I didn't care about what the world would see. I punch him right in the jaw and quickly walked away. I walked into a small cafe and sat down.

I placed my head in my hands as tears left my eyes. Can't people let my family rest in peace? Their death is NOT for others to make money!

"What can I get you?" A female voice asked. I looked up to a curly haired girl with bright grey eyes standing infront of me.

"Um. Just some Yorkshire Tea. Thank you." I answer slowly. She nods and walks away. I slump in my seat and close my eyes. I hear giggles next to me and a poke in my arm.

I opened my eyes to see a young girl, about six or seven, smiling up at me. She giggled once again and ran away. She reached another table and sat on it. The couple, however, didn't seem to notice the cutie and kept talking. Her pink dress looked like it came from the 18 hundreds. Her blue eyes shined with happiness and mystery.

The front door rung as another body walked in. He stood tall with a evil glare as he looked around. The little girl soon lost her smile and her happy eyes turned to fright.

"JESSICA!" The bulky man shouted as he walked up to her. Again, no one noticed. I saw he had a revolver in his hand as he grabbed the girl by her hair. He placed the gun to her head as she cried in pain. The cafe disappeared and I was surrounded by trees and grass. The table the girl was sitting on was a log.

I looked out the window but there wasn't a city. It was a small town. A small town so far away. I looked behind me but there wasn't a wall. A small road. It lead to the small town and I saw the sign said,


I looked back at the two and noticed the man was...Oh no! I closed my eyes as her frantic screams filled the air around me. I could tell she was trying to push him off. Her screams soon stopped as I heard the sound of the gun. I opened my eyes to see the man standing up. He buckled his pants and smirked evily. I looked at the girl to see that her temple had a bleeding hole. She was shot in the head.

I blinked and saw that I was still in the cafe.

"Um. Sir? Are you okay?" The waitress said. I swallowed hard and nodded before leaving the cafe and heading into the woods.


I stopped at the log, and breathed heavily. I sat on the log the girl sat on and became heart broken. That man, that coward, raped and killed that little girl. I heard rustling and looked up to see the girl, now bloody and dead looking, faintly smiling at me.

Blood dripped from her scalp and her pink dress was now torn and not as pretty looking. I whimpered at the sight and shook my head. I looked behind her and saw another girl, this time about fifteen.

The older girl had tears in eyes and her red 18 century dress was also ripped and torn. I swallowed as the tears flowed down my face.

"Don't cry, mister." The little girl said as she sat next to me. I chuckled lightly at her cute voice and words. "I'm okay!"

"He's done it more than once," The older girl said sternly. "He never regrets anything. Many girls have died in this very spot."

"Why are you telling me?" I asked her. The little girl stood up and walked next to the other girl.

"Because you have to know every ghosts past," The little girl said.

"Cazador de mal fantasmas o paz buscador." The two said before disappearing into nothing.

"What?" I asked even though I didn't get an answer.

'Casador de mal fantasmas o paz buscador'.

That sentence rung through my head more than twenty times. I shake my head and walk further into the forest. I stop at a river and feel the need to start digging. I looked around and see a man, muscular and tall with a shovel, walking my way. I back away but he stops where I was standing. He starts digging and digs quickly.

"I'm running out of time!" He says frantically. A see a girl, purple eyes and pale skin, holding a sharp knife. She walks up to him slowly, making sure not to make a single noise.

Once the man was done digging the hole, deep enough for him to fall into, the girl stabs his back repeatedly. She throws him into the hole and burries him.

She looks around and throws the shovel across the river...

I blink and shake my head. I look at the place where the man was burried and looked across the river to see metal sticking out of the ground.

I shake my head and lick my chapped lips. I walk through the water and start to dig. After a while, I see the shovel and pick it up. I walk back to where the hole was and plave the shovel right there. I look around and see two twigs. I grab them and see string. I grab it and tie the twigs so it made a cross.

I placed the hand made cross in the ground, over the burried body and a weight left my chest. I looked up and saw the man standing infront of me with a peaceful smile. He nods lightly and his body soon disappears. I stand up and look around.

"How many murders were committed here?" I whisper. The wind brushes my face lightly and I sigh.

"Casador de mal fantasmas o paz buscador.." I mumble to myself. I sigh and shake my head. Is that spanish? Italian? French?

'Well it isn't ENGLISH!' I think to myself. I shake my head and head out of the forest.

I've had enough for one day...

A/N: That was....Intense! Haha. I'm not feeling so well right now. A fever and pain everywhere! I'm hungry but everytime I eat, I get a headache. Guess what? It just started yesterday. Anyone know what this is? I know I'm sick. That's ALL I know. :/ ANYWAY, weeks over! :( But vote for me? THANK YOU LOVELY PEOPLE!

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