31| 'Want me to stop?'

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/.they also said that love doesn't last forever./


"I just wanted you to show me off."

"So won't you say my name say my name."

"If you claim you want me you know I.."

"You've been acting shady."

"You ain't be calling me baby no."

"Boy, you can keep on playing your games playing your games."

I'm singing the summer walkers song "Playing Games." as I wrap the gifts for tomorrow, it's Christmas eve and everything had been rolling smoothly.

As I say that I finished wrapping Vince's gift and placed it in the closet. I stood up and glanced at the gifts I've wrapped.

We are having dinner with everyone from the gang, Vince's sister and brother are coming, Dante's Niece is coming.

I can't wait to meet these people! They are probably all so cute, and nice, and handsome, and hot. I love hot people.

Never mind I hate meeting new people, I open my door and make my way down the stairs.

"She is like in love with Dalaric." I paused, at the last step. I rose an eyebrow and backed up to hear the rest of the convo.

"Didn't they have a relationship?" I hear Matteo ask it sounds like they are talking about someone.

Well no shit Nat


"I think it was like a fuck n dip relationship but she had caught feelings." I felt a bang in my chest. Get a grip you fucker, just because they are talking about Dalaric doesn't mean it has anything to do with you, Natalia.

"Nah Dalaric never went down are her like that..." I hear someone says back.

"Um, Natalia is going to be pissed if she tries something with Dalaric." It sounds like Dante said that, Who?

"Hey, Nat!"

I jump at Vince's voice behind me, I turn slowly with wide eyes. "Oh shit." He cringes and leans closer to me to listen in to the convo.

"Who we talking about?" I hear another deep ass mother fucking voice, I groan and get up from my position and see Dalaric looking at me and Vince.

Vince has wide eyes and a hand on his hip like he didn't just do that to me. "We are trying to snoop." Vince snapped and sass.

Dalaric looks around the corner and Dante and Matteo just stopped talking and was looking at us.

I slap a hand on my head and rub my face roughly.

"Anyways." Vince jumped to the floor, I turn and get ready to follow him. I jump down the steps and walk over to Vince on the couch, I felt a hand slap my ass and gave it a squeeze.

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