Scene 005

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Scene 005

In his room, Jac placed a call to the palace requesting to speak to Dammarow Heir. He waited for a few minutes before Dam came on the viewer. "It's good to see you, Jac. You had us worried when we couldn't reach you for those two weeks. I trust everything is going well?" Dam asked. 

Jac looked at one of his best friends. The mating fever was starting to show through even Dam's great control. His jaguar green eyes were beginning to have a glassy look to them and his hair was starting to lose its glossy shine. "Everything is fine. As I reported to Beauf after we left the orbit around Amy's home planet, her people are more advanced in their technology than we thought. It was all we could do not to show up on their radar or cut off their media waves. The ship moved into a satellite's path and we cut off some of their communications for a while. I was sure we'd been spotted or caught. Look, Dam, that's not why I'm calling," Jac said, knowing Dam had more than likely read his report. He cleared his throat. "Amy wants to talk to you. Now, before you cut in, let me finish. She only wants to talk. She says; she's not ready to meet you face to face yet." 

Sitting back in his chair, Dam was silent for a moment, his green eyes flashed. "Has someone said something to her about me? Is this the reason she doesn't want to see me?" 

"No, I really don't think it has anything to do with you, personally. Besides, I'm the only person to talk to her besides Cat. I think, she feels that if you where to see her, you would realize that you've made a mistake and send her home," Jac commented. He felt, Amy didn't trust what was happening. She didn't feel it was meant for her. 

"A mistake cannot be made, so that thought is ridiculous. She must have another reason?" Dam growled, slapping the top of the desk. 

"Talking to you two is like trying to hear in the middle of the windy season of Tryad-Three," Jac commented to himself. "First, she has no ideal how she was chosen to be your mate and she has yet to ask. Also, she has some strange ideal that you won't want her because she doesn't follow the ideal of beauty on her planet." 

Silence fell between the two men. Jac watched as Dam rubbed his forehead and took a deep breath. 

"I'll talk to her for a short time but not today."  

"That is all she has asked. Would sometime tomorrow around midday be all right? I'm going to take her to the medic's in the morning." 

"Why is she going to the medic's? I thought you said everything was all right." 

"Everything is fine." Jac replied, holding up his hand. "Except when I was with Amy, she looked as if she were having a delayed reaction to the transporter beam. Besides, we had to keep her sedated for two weeks to decontaminate her. I do have good news. We haven't needed to use anything on her, stronger than soothing tones to keep her calm." 

"Fine. I'll call around fourteen star time hours," Dam said turning off his viewer. 

Now, I just have to explain to Amy about the type of people she's going to be living with before we can go to the medic's, tomorrow. Maybe, Cat will have already explained, Jac thought hopefully.

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