Scene 050

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Scene 050

"Are we ready to continue for home?" Jac asked the group standing around him.

"Yes, Abney and I have put all of the spare parts away. Cat has the engine on a closed computer circuit," said Kronk as he leaned against Jac's desk.

"Is our course set?" Jac asked Karr.

"Yes, all plotted and course is set," said Karr. "How is Dam doing on the explanation to Amy about Dolefurs?"

"I don't know." Said Jac. "Trying to pacify the station's manager and dealing with everything else, I've not had a minute to find out."

"What about the Station Manager?" asked Kronk.

"He wants a fee for having brought a dangerous animal to the station," Jac explained. "I told him, and told him, we didn't bring the Dolefur to the station, it was already there. He didn't want to believe me."


"Well, I'm going to have Amy talk to Lubin and send him to visit the manager," Jac said with a twinkle in his eye.

Laughing Karr came again. "No, really what are you going to do?"

"I did the sensible thing. I transferred the call to Dam as soon as he awoke," Jac said, laughing all the harder. "You can imagine the reception the manager received from Dam."

"Especially now that Dam has a full-blown case of Mating Fever." Laughed Kronk.

"The manager probably would have preferred a visit from Lubin," said Karr.

Laughter rolled from the group as Karr and Kronk left Jac's cabin. Each one knowing Dam wasn't the most patient person with shysters normally, but he would be even less so now. Jac continued to laugh as he sat doing some work.

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