Scene 059

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Scene 059

"Good morning," said Amy as she awoke. "Did you enjoy your sleep?"

Lubin gave a large humming purr. With a stretch, he jumped out of the relaxing chair, and went to the table. Climbing to his place at the table, he made an inquiring sound.

"Hungry are you? So am I," Amy said with a smile. "Let me get our breakfast and then we'll find Dam and see what he wants to do today."

Bring back breakfast and sitting it on the table. She called, "Cat, how long have we been under way?"

"We have been under way for around three hours," came Cat's reply. "How did you know we had left the station? Your window is still shielded."

Amy sat for a few moments thinking. "The engine's rhythmic energy is different when it is being used and when it is resting." Shaking her head, she continued, "I don't know if I am making sense to you or not. Oh, by the way good morning."

"A good morning to you, Lubin. Your answer makes perfect sense to me," replied Cat.

"Have you talked to Dam today? Do you know what his plans are?" Amy asked as she cleaned up the breakfast dishes and put Lubin down upon the floor. He rolled over and jumped on the couch.

"No, I have not talked to Dam yet, nor do I know of any special plans," answered Cat. "Do you want me to ask for you?"

"Not really and I know you are busy with other things. Could you put more information about Valdiar on the console for me after I get out of the shower?" Came Amy stepping into the hygiene room.

"It will be ready whenever you are," came Cat. She left Amy's quarters.

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