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Hello everyone! I hope you're all doing good and keeping well! 

As you may know, I have been working hard on this new story. I have been working on it for maybe nearly a year now, I'm not exactly sure, I started picturing this story sort of late last year, making notes and briefly started it. I've been working hard on this story, I work full-time Monday-Friday and only really get time to write on weekends and other days off, depending on what is happening in my life outside of my laptop and imagination. 

I was preparing to begin posting this story about a month ago, I had originally planned to start posting it on 1st August and decided to delay it by a couple of weeks. First reason was because I wanted to make sure that it was ready to start being posted, I keep editing and changing certain parts of the story as I think about them, but now that's more happening in the middle-end of the story (although do rememeber that I haven't finished writing it completely yet). The second reason was because I am a little nervous to post this story, I'm nervous that as much as I have put a lot of time and effort into it, you guys may not like it. But I have to push past those nerves and just go for it now, haha. 

So, with that being said, I have finally decided to start posting the chapters starting from Sunday 22nd August! It's the day before my birthday. And I'll be posting the first couple of chapters and after next Sunday, it'll be every weekend, probably on the Saturday, or maybe the Sunday, it depends on the business of weekends, but each chapter will be posted each weekend unless I say otherwise. 

I'm looking forward to sharing my work, my imagination with you guys, as nervous as I am, I'm also excited! 

I'll see you guys next weekend with the first chapters! 

Have a great week! :) 

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