Chapter 24

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A/N- Hey everyone, I hope you've all had a lovely week and are excited for Christmas this time next week! I hope you like this chapter, I like the timing of this chapter, and don't worry, despite next weekend being Christmas, I still plan to post the next chapter, it just may be on Boxing day (Sunday) rather than Christmas day, we'll see! Anyway, I hope you have a great week, and Christmas. Enjoy this chapter, it's a good one! Also, just a little side note, I have noticed that there seem to be some mistakes in the chapters when I post them for some reason. As far as I can tell, on the document that I copy and paste from, there aren't many errors on there, but when I put it here, there are a few mistakes.. in this chapter I've noticed a lot of them that aren't in the document itself. So if you notice any mistakes, please point them out so that I can correct them, I've just had to go through and correct some song lyrics in the chapter, and I'm now wondering if a similar error has occured in previous chapters (I'll probably look at some point)! Thanks!


Chapter 24

Bella's POV

I hope Brodie isn't mad about seeing Holden and I kiss. Would he be mad though? We're only friends after-all, and although he wouldn't know it, the kiss between us meant absolutely nothing. I have only ever seen Holden as a friend. Brodie is the same but obviously there are feelings that I have for him, little does anybody know.

Holden and I continue to pace slowly in circles on the dance-floor, in our same hold as when we started.

"For once, I couldn't say if he looks mad or not" Holden answers. We pace around so that I can see Brodie. He doesn't have any kind of emotion on his face. But I have noticed that it's probably the first time tonight while we've been at this party, that Brodie hasn't smiled at me when we've caught each others eyes. "What do you think?" Holden questions as we pace around again.

"Uh, um, I don't know" I answer. I don't know, and it's a little concerning too.

"Oh, here he comes. Brace yourself" Holden says, jokingly. We break our hold as Brodie reaches us.

"Could I have this next dance, please?" He asks, gentlemanly.

"Sure, the lady is all yours" Holden says, stepping back and sneaking a wink my way. "I'm going to track down Astor, she's been gone a while" He adds as he wanders off. Brodie and I take hold and begin to pace, similarly to how I was pacing with Holden.

"Are you ok?" I ask, observing his expressions.

"Yeah, I'm fine" He answers with a weak smile. "Are you?" He questions.

"Yeah, yeah I'm good" I nod. He nods and we continue to dance. It is really hard to figure out if he really is ok. I can't read him.

"Are you sure you're ok?" Brodie questions as he sees that I'm miles away.

"Yeah, I'm sure. I'm just getting a little worn out I think, dancing while pregnant and all" I answer.

"Well, why don't you sit down for a bit, have a drink and relax a little" He suggests.

"But, we just started dancing" I point out.

"It's only dancing, Bella" He chuckles. He takes my hand in his and escorts me back to the table to have a rest.

"Ah, I'm glad I caught you" Tony smiles as he approaches us. "Are you both having a good time?" He asks.

"We should be asking you that question, it's your party" Brodie says, cheerfully.

"I like to make sure that my guests are satisfied, Corbin" Tony tells him.

"We are, and you have an amazing party going on" I say.

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