Chapter 30

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A/N- Hey everyone, hope you've had a good week and are enjoying the weekend! This chapter remains in Jason's POV (in case you're a little confused) because I haven't noted down otherwise since the previous chapter. Some things are going to be happening during this chapter, there are (after this one) only 13 chapters remaining in this story and this chapter is gonna be something! I hope you enjoy it, and I'll be back soon with the next chapter! 


Chapter 30

I don't think I've ever been awake this early. At least not since I was a school kid. I've told Tori that I have a job interview at 8, it's now 6:30 and I've insisted on getting myself to the 'interview' in order to have her stay here in bed. Tori said that her brother tends to start work at 8, so he leaves early enough to get there in time. It's a distance for me to walk from here to his house, but it's not too far.

"Good luck with your interview, babe" Tori whispers sleepily from her bed.

"Thanks, hopefully they'll like me" I smile.

"You'll smash it, mechanics are always needed" She smiles back. I lean over to her and press my lips against hers. "I love you, Jack" She tells me as we part.

"Love you too" I smile as I lick my lips.

"Are you sure you don't want me to take you?" She asks.

"I'm sure. Get some more sleep, have a nice lay-in" I insist.

"See you later" She says, blowing a kiss at me. I pretend to catch it. I leave the bedroom and make my way to the front door when I stop. I go to the kitchen instead and look through her cutlery drawers. I grab a small knife, one that I can hide in my pocket. I don't know if I'll need it, I'm just observing. Just in case though, I guess.

I open the front door and leave, walking past her Lotus Evora. It's a beautiful car. I make my way down the street, crossing roads when necessary. Here I come, Alicia.

I arrive outside the house, standing, or hiding, in the same spot as yesterday. It's nearly 7:30 now, so I reckon that Tori's brother will be leaving at any minute. What I don't know, is if Alicia will leave with him, or not. This is what this is all about, getting an idea of their routine, who's in and who's out and when. I'm not interested in him, I have no desire to deal with him at all. I only want to get Alicia and get us both back home. I've had enough of this area now.

It takes a little longer than I anticipate for him to leave. His place of work must be fairly nearby. I see him in casual clothes and a backpack, get into the Range Rover. He's a good looking guy, you can see that he looks after himself. With the hot temperatures at the moment, he's only wearing a t-shirt and three-quarter lengths. The sleeves on his t-shirt are filled by his arm muscles. Not that they're massive arms, but enough to comfortably fill the sleeves. His hair is short, styled so that it stands up. He's tidy. He's also wearing an expensive watch, but then again, it would be expensive, the guy is financially loaded. I watch as he steers his car out of the driveway and disappears down the road.

He was by himself, which means that either Alicia isn't staying with him anymore, or that she is still indoors. And I'm sure that if Alicia.. or 'Bella', wasn't staying here anymore, Tori would have said something to me. Alicia is still inside that house. Now, my next question is, is she going to be leaving anytime soon herself? Is she more independent than she was before, when she was with me? Does she go out to see that girl whom I saw her with that day in town?

I hang around outside for a little while, just to see if she does leave the house. Waiting for 15 minutes feels like over an hour. But there's no movement from what I can see. It's coming up 8 o'clock now. I feel my phone vibrate from my pocket and take it out to have a look. It's Tori sending me another good luck for the interview text. I ignore it and put it back into my pocket.

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