Chapter 7

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A/N- Hello everyone, I hope you're all well! I've decided that I'm going to post another two chapters this weekend, and then I'll post chapter 9 and 10 next weekend, and then possibly after that, I'll start posting one chapter a weekend and see how things go. I have been watching the reads on this story and I'm happy that it is being checked out. I'm hoping that I'll gain more readers over time and start getting votes on each chapter (that hasn't happened yet) and even some comments/feedback on each chapter as I'm really keen on knowing what you all think of this story! It's still early days, I've only been posting chapters for a few weeks so, I'm just reminding myself that it's still early days and it could still pick up on readers/votes/comments. I think I'm still just nervous and hopeful that this story will pick up a bigger audience. I think if people give it a chance, it could be a pretty successful story (for someone who isn't a professional) as I think that this could be one of my best stories that I've written. Anyway, enjoy this chapter, I introduce a another character, Brodie's sister Tori (I don't think she's been in it yet). And Bella's ex, Jason, he has a POV, in this story I believe there are the POV's of Bella, Brodie and Jason, so this chapter has the first Jason POV. Again, I hope you enjoy it! Please, please, let me know! :D


Chapter 7

I look in 'my' wardrobe for something to wear to meet Brodie's family. I'm so nervous, I want to wear the right thing so they don't think anything bad of me. Do I wear a dress? Or a fancy top and jeans?

I don't know if they know that I'm pregnant, and I do have a little bump showing. Perhaps whatever I wear, I should make the top half a little baggy. I finally decide on something I think I can call decent, I hope they see the outfit as decent. I take my clothes into the shower room with me and quickly have a shower. I do not want to smell bad when I meet them.

Gosh! What if they don't like me? What if they see me and in that first second they decide that I'm some sort of tramp or something? I am full of so much anxiety at the moment. No matter how much Brodie tries to assure me that they'll like me, I can't help but wonder if they actually will.

The shower feels so nice, still, after these few days of being here, it still feels so refreshing to be able to shower and feel clean.

Once I've finished having a wash, I get dressed into the clothes I decided to wear. I still wonder if it's a good enough outfit for meeting Brodie's family. I leave the shower room and make my way to Brodie's room, knocking on the door and waiting for him to open it.

"Come in" He says. I cautiously open the door and see him standing by a tall standing mirror, buttoning up his shirt that he's wearing with his black jeans.

"You're looking very dapper" I smile. He looks at me through the reflection of the mirror and smiles.

"You're looking great too" He tells me.

"Are you sure? I can change into something else" I question.

"Do you not like what you're wearing?" He questions with furrowed eyebrows.

"I do, but I don't want your family to-" He cuts me off.

"They're not judging you by what you wear, they just want to meet the girl I have staying here and have some dinner" He says. He turns around once he's finished with the mirror and approaches me. "You look great" He winks, causing me to smile. I appreciate the compliment.

"I decided on some baggy clothes because didn't know if they're aware of my pregnancy" I say.

"As far as I know, they don't know. But that's not any of their business anyway, as long as you're comfortable" He says. I look down as anxiety builds up in me again. I just can't shake the feeling, they don't know my story, my past. What if they disapprove of me? And I don't want them to think any less of Brodie. I've never met anyone kinder than him. He's really given me a chance and I just want to prove to everyone that I'm not going to blow this chance.

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