Chapter 18

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A/N- Hey everyone, I almost forgot to post this and I really didn't want to, I am also hoping to get a chance tomorrow/later today to post chapter 19, just because I'm nice. I have been giving my proof copies of this as a book out to people (mainly from work) to read, and although so far only one person has started reading it, she said she's hooked and thinks it's brilliant (and that was yesterday(Friday) when she was only 13/14 chapters in, haha) I said to her that she's only about 1/4 of the way through it and it gets better, so I'm hopeful, I just wish I could get more reads on here, I'm not exactly sure how to help it gain more reads :/. But yeah, give this story a chance, and I can guarantee that you'll probably like it! This chapter has another Jason POV, and it's going to continue to get interesting since what happened in his last POV, so keep on reading! I'm trying not to spoil it for you, haha. Just trust me! Anyway, I hope you enjoy this chapter, and please do let me know what you think of it, and of the story so far in general, I am desperate for feedback on it! I'll be back soon with the next one! 


Chapter 18

Brodie glances at my mum and dad, brother and sister, then his eyes land back on me. "If you'd like to, you can stay here with your family and I can go, but I need to go" He offers clearly feeling bad about the timing of the situation.

"No, it's ok. I'll come with you" I say, concerned. Hospital? Why does he need to get to the hospital? Who is there? Grace? Timothy? "I'm really sorry everyone, we'll arrange to see each other again. I promise" I tell my family.

"No, don't apologise, get to the hospital" Mum urges.

"I- We all hope that whoever is there is ok" Dad says.

"Thanks for understand. I'm really sorry about this" Brodie says.

"We've got each others contact numbers now so we'll be in touch, and one of us will let you know what's happened when we know more" I tell them.

We quickly say goodbye to everyone, until next time, soon, I hope. They all watch as Brodie and I get into his car and he starts driving.

"God damn it" Brodie mumbles to himself.

"Brodie, what has happened? Who is at the hospital?" I ask, worried that it's a member of his family. Has his dad had a heart attack or something? Has Tori been involved in a car accident?

"I don't know details, but it's Kirsty. Holden is at the hospital with her right now" Brodie answers. Kirsty? We're having to deal with Kirsty again?

"Is this another stunt to get your attention?" I ask.

"I don't know, Bella. I have no idea" He half yells, frustrated. "I'm sorry, I don't mean to yell, I'm just.. I don't know" He says, clearly stressed.

"Well, what exactly did Holden tell you?" I ask.

"Just that he is at the hospital and that it's Kirsty. He said I should get there as soon as I can, although I told him that I'm an hour away, but I'm needed there" He answers.

"Whatever has happened to Kirsty, just know that it's not your fault" I tell him. He glances at me with a weak smile.

After about an hours drive, we arrive at the hospital and park. I follow Brodie in and we quickly find Holden as he waits for us.

"Holden, talk to me. What happened?" Brodie questions. I notice that Holden is wearing his police uniform, indicating that he's on-duty.

"Don't be alarmed, ok" He starts.

"Holden" Brodie glares at him.

"I got a call through and was dispatched to a woman reported to have a potential overdose. When I got there I was immediately able to identify the woman as Kirsty. She was unconscious and unresponsive and so I checked for signs of life.. Brodie, she was so near death that I had to give her CPR until the ambulance arrived-" I interrupt him very briefly.

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