Chapter 32

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A/N- Another week has passed and it's time for the next chapter. I hope you enjoy it, please leave feedback, I'm not gonna lie, I hoped to have more reads than I do and more feedback than I do. I only have like just over 500 reads in total and no feedback, I know that this story is a good one and I worked hard on it and really think it could do well, so I have a favour to ask of you all, could you share this story around to people to read? It would mean a lot if I could get more readers!! Anyway, enjoy and next chapter coming soon! 


Chapter 32

Jason's POV

I was woken up at god knows what time, there's no clock in the cell, and I was stripped of my phone and other things when I was booked in. I think I only had a couple of hours sleep. It has been torture, being stuck in this cell for over 12 hours, I know that it has been at least 12 hours, it's been night time and now it's day again from the little window in here. Then of course there's the little window in the door being open to provide me with food and water. It literally feels like I've been in here for days, and like the walls have been closing in on me. The bed with that stupid pathetic mattress is the most uncomfortable thing I've ever slept on, and sat on. I can't wait to get out of this place. It's doing my head in.

"Jason Woods" Someone calls as the cell door is opened. "Come with me, please" The man requests. I stand up and hurry up of the cell quicker than anyone can blink, taking a couple of deep breaths as I follow the officer.

"Where are you taking me?" I ask.

"Interview room, Detective Inspector Wilson wants to ask you some more questions" He answers.

"More questions?" I question. What more can they want to know? He doesn't answer, he just escorts me to the interview room.

"Good morning, Jason" DI Wilson greets as I enter the room. "Please, take a seat" She gestures to the seat opposite her. I sit down and look at her as she looks back at me.

"You have more questions?" I question.

"How are you this morning? Did you sleep well?" She asks, avoiding my question.

"Not really, the bed is uncomfortable and I feel like I've been here for days, I just want to get out of here" I answer.

"We're working as quickly as we can" She nods. Not quick enough. I refrain from rolling my eyes at her.

"How can I help?" I ask as I put my elbows on the table. She goes through her folder of pages and pulls one out, laying it in front of me.

"We had this photo put out to the public through social media and TV, you may have seen it at some point, a witness has come forward and confirmed this is you" She explains. It's a picture of me leaving Shannon's flat, you can't see my face as I'm looking down and have my hood up, with my bag on my shoulder and the bag of rubbish in my hand. Somebody confirmed that it's me, I wasn't paying a lot of attention, but I didn't see anyone, unless Shannon had a nosey neighbour or something. Somebody saw me. "We didn't make it public knowledge that this was caught around the time of Shannon's death. Why were you seen leaving Shannon's at around her time of death?" She asks, hoping to have something to pin on me. I have to think quick, on the spot, something convincing. I won't let them pin anything on me. I'll get away with her death.

"I went back to hers to look for something I thought I left behind, I knocked and there was no answer, so I left" I explain, thinking quickly. Impressing myself again.

"How long were you there knocking for?" She asks.

"I don't know exactly, maybe a couple of minutes. I got the message pretty quickly that she was either out, or just didn't want to answer the door" I answer.

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