Chapter 14

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A/N- Here is the next chapter! I'm considering putting up another chapter tomorrow, but I am unsure, I have a fairly busy day tomorrow so I may not get the chance to. I have also officially finished writing this story, but it doesn't feel finished, so I may end up editing the final chapter because to me, it just feels incomplete. Time will tell with that as I have actually struggled to write the final chapter because I want it to be a decent chapter and I guess right now, what I've written doesn't feel as 'decent' as I'd like it to, so I may change it as well as editing the story itself as I post the chapters on here. I have also this week had an idea for a new project, funnily enough I had a dream that give me the idea and I've been thinking non-stop about the idea all week, so I think I'm going to go ahead with planning and prepping for this new project! In my head it seems really good, but also seems quite tricky to put into writing because what I'm picturing is like it's a film/series rather than a book.. so I'll see how it goes, I have ideas for putting it into writing! Anyway, please enjoy this chapter, I think you'll really like it, especially the first part of the chapter, it kinda gives me butterflies! And the majority of the chapter is in Brodie's POV, we get to see him at work! 


Chapter 14

Brodie's POV

I walk through the door after a long day at work, pretty relieved to be back home. I've dealt with a drunk man, who is an alcoholic and very depressed, followed by a report of an assault and then a hit and run. I love my job, but some days, the shift just takes it out of you.

"Hey, Brodie, how was work?" Bella asks as she greets me from the living room.

"It was a busy day" I sigh with a chuckle as I put my things down and join her on the sofa, undoing the top two buttons of the shirt I'm wearing. "How was your day?" I ask.

"Good. I've been fighting my mental demons about the whole reunion with my family. I'm excited to see them again, but super nervous" She tells me. I put my hand on her leg to comfort her.

"Everything is at your pace, Bella. You do things when the time is right for you, and I will be there" I assure her.

"I know" She nods once and smiles. I find myself gazing at her. She inspires me, from what she's told me about her past, what she's been through, and how far she has come to get her life back on track. I feel honoured to be involved in helping her get back onto her feet. I don't see who she says she was in her past at all. Alicia is no more. Bella is this amazing woman, beautiful inside and out. I'm glad that she's part of my life now.

We eventually eat some dinner and sit down in front of the TV.

"Do you want to play a game of pool with me?" I ask, wanting to do something fun. Something other than sitting in front of the TV.

"Sure, I'd like that" She nods. She follows me to the games room, where my pool table is and I grab her a stick, as well as my one.

"Do you know how to play?" I ask as I pass her stick to her.

"Pot the balls into the pockets, right?" She questions.

"Pretty much" I chuckle.

"Believe it or not, I've never actually played, so I have no idea what I'm doing" She informs me.

"That's ok, I'll teach you" I smile. I get the balls set up in the triangular formation and put the cue ball in its position. "So, hit the white, into the colours" I instruct.

"Ok, erm, how do I hold the stick and whatnot?" She asks. She really has never played this before. I go over to her and put her hands in position on the stick.

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