Chapter 5

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A/N- Hey readers! Last minute decision to post two chapters again this weekend! I'm hoping that it will help this story pick up on readers as I'm not getting many readers at the moment, which is ok, this story is still technically in it's early days, over time it'll pick up (hopefully). So here's a chapter now, and I'll post the next one later on! This chapter starts to dig a bit deeper into the story, a little more about Bella's past, we learn a little more about Brodie, and another character will be introduced too, his name is Holden and he's a really loveable guy. As always, vote, comment, leave feedback, point out any errors you come across. Most importantly, enjoy!


Chapter 5

I wake up and see the time is coming up 8am. I get out of bed and go downstairs. I go into the kitchen and put the kettle on to make myself and Brodie a cuppa. I haven't seen Brodie yet so I'll assume that he's still asleep. I can't believe I've been staying with him for a little over a month. He's been amazing and we've become fond of each other. Once the kettle is boiled, I finish making our drinks, I take our cups up to his room, slowly opening the door. My assumption was right, he's still peacefully asleep. I go over to him and place the drink on his bedside table, then I sit on the edge of his bed.

"Brodie, wake up" I say quietly as I gently nudge him. He stirs and wakes up, smiling when he sees me.

"Morning Bella" He says. "Are you ok?" He asks.

"I'm fine. I made you a tea" I say, pointing to the cup on the table.

"Thank you" He says as he sits up. He grabs the cup and takes a sip. "You make a good tea" He compliments.

"I'm glad you approve" I smile. We sit together for a little while, glancing at each other while drinking, smiling at each other too, until we finish them.

"This may sound strange, but, can I try something?" He asks, putting our cups down.

"Depends what it is" I point out.

"I want to.. kiss you, if I may?" He asks. I think about it for a moment. I haven't kissed anyone since I left Jason, but Brodie and I have been getting really close recently and, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't feeling anything for him. He's just been amazing towards me.

"You may" I nod. He smiles and slowly leans in to me, giving me enough time to reject him if I change my mind, but I don't. He closes the gap between us. His lips gently pressing against mine as I feel his hand cup my face. After a couple of seconds, we part from each other and gaze into each others eyes.

"I've been wanting to do that for a while now" He admits.

"Me too" I say.

We then both hear the doorbell sounding, repeatedly.

"Who on earth is that at this time?" Brodie questions as he gets himself out of bed. I follow him downstairs to the front door, he opens it to find a man there, except it's not just any man. He's a stranger to Brodie, but not to me.


How did he find me?

"Didn't take her long to jump into another mans bed" Jason says to Brodie before I hear Brodie grunt in pain. What just happened?

"Jason!" I scream. Brodie falls to the floor as Jason stands over him with a bloodied knife, stabbing him with it a second, third, forth time. "NOOOOO!" I cry out. I watch as Brodie takes his final breath of life after being stabbed five times.

"And that is what will happen to any other man that tries to take you from me" Jason threatens.

"Leave me alone Jason!" I order as I cry by Brodie's lifeless body.

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