Chapter 3

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A/N- I'm posting two chapters this weekend, just to get the ball rolling a little bit. I may decide to do the same thing next weekend, or I may go to posting just the one chapter. I'll see how things go. One other thing, please, please, feel free to follow my wattpad Instragram @sarahrwritingfor all things story writing, and posting! Thanks for the support, and please leave feedback!!!! :) 


Chapter 3

"Ok, Bella, we are happy to let you leave" A nurse says as she comes in to my room.

"That's great news" Brodie smiles.

"You're lucky, not many people get discharged so quickly after waking up from a 3 day sleep" The nurse says. I appreciate all this place have done for me, and also Brodie's help too.

"Thank you for taking care of me. Hopefully I won't be so clumsy from now on, and I am certainly staying away from any edges" I say, half lying. I'm not clumsy, and the staying away from edges may be a slight exaggeration.

"Certainly. And good luck with the rest of the pregnancy, keep going with a good diet, keep healthy" She advises. I nod as my way of reassurance to her and she leaves us be. Brodie helps me get my things together.

"I honestly didn't think they'd discharge you so soon, you only woke up yesterday morning" He says.

"I'm surprised too, but at the same time I'm relieved. I've never been a huge fan of hospitals" I say. He grabs a bag of mine while I grab the other, my bag is quite light, meaning the one he's carrying must be heavier.

"Lets get you out of here then" He smiles. I have no idea where in this place we are, so I follow Brodie's lead. He's been in and out for the last 3 days, well, 4 days, although he hasn't left my side much since I woke up yesterday, apart from getting some food or needing the toilet. We soon reach the outside and I'm caught off-guard by how cold it is. I must have adapted to the hospitals temperature while I was unconscious, now the outside feels freezing.

"Thanks, for the like.. millionth time, for helping me" I say as I try to hide my shivering.

"Where will you go now?" He asks, seeming a little sad. But, why?

"I don't really know" I shrug. "I'll probably go back to the town where I usually am, it's the best place to do what people call, 'beg for money' to live on. Plus its town so, everybody likes town" I answer, feeling a little unsure.

"I could give you a lift, save you from walking. It's quite a distance" He offers. I reach for my other bag from him.

"Oh, I can't let you do that, I'll be fine. It'll do me good to stretch my legs a little, after-all, I haven't used them for a few days" I assure him.

"Are you sure? What about your baby? You're homeless and pregnant" He questions, point out the obvious, pregnant and homeless.

"I'm sure that when the baby is born, I will be put into emergency accommodation. I just have to wait a few more months. It'll be fine. I'll be fine" I tell him. He watches as I begin to walk away, turning my back to him as I begin my walk back to town.

"I'm not sure I like that plan" He says from behind me. I look back at him and lift my arms up to shrug.

"It's the only plan I can think of that can work" I say as I continue walking, turning away from him again, increasing my distance from him.

"Bella, wait" He says. I can hear him running to catch up with me. "Wait up, I have an idea" He says, he then catches up with me.

"You have an idea?" I question, curious. I stop in my tracks to hear him out.

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