Chapter 22

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A/N- Hey guys! I hope you've had a good week! Some exciting stuff happens during this chapter, including another Jason POV, I'm not going to spoil it for you, but things happen and believe me, it's a good chapter! This chapter also marks the halfway point in this story, and the next few chapters are important chapters as well, it's pretty much from now (if not a few chapters previously) until the end that are important chapters for this story! I hope you enjoy, and leave feedback, and vote, lol! Be back soon with the next chapter! 


Chapter 22 

Bella's POV

Months have gone by, my little boy is here, in my arms. He's in Brodie's arms too, just as much as mine. My son is 10 weeks old and he is the cutest baby I've ever seen, and gorgeous. Thankfully he looks nothing like his father, well, maybe he has his fathers hair and nose, but apart from that, he's all me. And he's perfect, not because he looks like me, but because he's my boy. He's perfect.

"Time to put you to bed, buddy" I tell him as I rocking his little body in my arms, against my chest. He loves the comfort, and I love it too. I take him to his little bed that sits next to me by the bed and lay him down. "Sleep time now. I love you" I smile as I kiss his little forehead. I turn the dial on the machine that will hopefully put him to sleep and it begins its tune, a peaceful lullaby.

"How is he doing?" Brodie asks as he approaches me from behind while I watch my sons eyes close.

"He's drifting off" I answer with a smile. I feel Brodie's arm snake around my waist from behind and his chin rests on my shoulder as we both watch little man nod off.

"And he's asleep" Brodie says as he plants a kiss on my neck, making my squirm because his facial hairs are tickling my skin. I turn to face him as we laugh quietly together. He knows why I squirmed. I close the gap between us as my lips find his. He lifts me up and lays me carefully on our bed.

"I love you, Brodie Corbin" I tell him as he plants kisses on my neck.

"I love you too, Bella Owens" He says as he gets off me and pulls his t-shirt over his head, showing off his gorgeously toned torso and abdomen. He is one fit police officer. I take the opportunity to remove my top, leaving me in my bra. Brodie brings his lips back down to mine before trailing kisses down my neck, chest and stomach.

"Brodie.." I moan in pleasure.

"I will love you for the rest of my life" He promises me. God knows I'll love him too.

Just as we begin to get more intimate with each other, we are interrupted by the crying of my son.

"That lasted long" I say sarcastically, chuckling. Brodie chuckles too. I realise that the lullaby tune has stopped.

"I love you too, if you'll allow daddy to have some time with mummy, little man" Brodie says as he gets off me and tends to the baby. I love how Brodie has fallen in love with a baby that isn't his. He vowed from the moment he held him in his arms as a newborn that he would be there for him until the day he dies.

Brodie and I had official started our relationship about a month before I gave birth, so we've been together for 3.5 months now. It feels like longer because of how long Brodie and I have been living together just as friends. Heck, we've even discussed our desire to get married, not that we're engaged or anything, yet. It's been talked about.

I watch as Brodie cradles our son in his arms, pacing around the room and he gazes lovingly down at the boy, gently draping his hand over his face continuously. A good trick to get young kids to fall asleep. Brodie and I got a few tips from our parents and my brother on how to get a baby to feed easily and sleep easily. It's worked for us well so far.

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