Chapter 29

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A/N- Hey guys! Hope you've all had a nice week. I'm back with the next chapter and things are going to get a little.. heated in some ways. The previous chapter finished with Jason realising where 'Alicia' has been hiding, as well as getting engaged to Brodie's sister who is unaware of who he really is. This chapter is most likely going to make you feel nervous and maybe a little 'scared' for Bella, although they won't be meeting again in this chapter, but I guess you guys may have realised by now that them seeing each other again is just the inevitable, just the question of when. Anyway, enjoy this chapter, share the story around to people you know who might be interested in reading it, I only had a few reads on the previous two chapters which I'm hoping will climb at some point (I'm a little anxious that this story isn't getting as many reads as my previous stories, like I hoped). I'll be back soon with the next chapter! 


Chapter 29

Bella's POV

"Bella, girl, you are looking about ready to pop" Astor says as I arrive at work, putting my things down.

"Morning to you too" I chuckle. I feel ready to pop.

"Seriously though, how much longer until little man is here?" She asks with her hands on her hips. She's becoming more excited to meet her surrogate nephew as the due date gets closer. By the way, she's the one that decided that she's his surrogate aunt, and I don't mind it at all.

"A few weeks, not long" I answer, nervously. I, on the other hand, am getting more nervous about it. I love my son, but I am just wanting the process of labour over with. It probably doesn't help my anxieties that I've been watching videos on peoples personal experiences with labour, some are quite traumatic and scary, others don't seem so bad. I've also been busy with Brodie, setting up the nursery, building the flat-packed furniture. We decided to set it all up in the room I was originally staying in, there's more space, and it's the closest to our room for when the baby cries out for me. The room looks really cute now, and I actually feel somewhat ready to have him now that he's got a bed to sleep in and clothes to wear, nappies to.. do his business in. You get the gist.

"Eek! I can't wait to hold him" She shrieks excitedly. Me neither. I quickly show her some pictures that I took of the room Brodie and I have done for him. "That's so cute, I love it, he'll love it" She grins at each picture.

"I'm getting more nervous, each day that passes is a day closer to meeting him" I say as I put my phone into my pocket. We sit down together and wait for customers, it's fairly early so we don't get many at this time.

"You have nothing to worry about, it'll be fine and, it's all worth it in the end, when you have that little bundle in your arms" She says in a cute way, causing me to chuckle.

"I know" I nod, knowing that she's right.

"And when he's born, I have been dying to take you out for a girls night drinking. You need to have some girly fun" She tells me. Girly fun, I chuckle at that.

"Ok, sure" I nod. I get an idea. "How about, whenever the 'girls night' is, we can invite my sister along, and Brodie's sister too. It'll be fun, us four girls together" I suggest.

"Sounds great, if they're up for it, and I'm yet to meet those two" She shrugs happily.

"I'm sure they'll be up for it" I smile and nod. "Anyway, how are you and Holden?" I question. "You don't tell me much, and yet you demand to know about Brodie and me" I point out.

"Yeah, we're fine" She shrugs, like it's no big deal. Nothing as interesting as my relationship with Brodie.

"Come on, spill some beans. You insist I tell you things" I nag.

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