Chapter 41

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A/N- Hello everyone, hope you're all well and had a good week! Things are getting intense in this chapter, and then next chapter too! I think I might post the final two chapters at the same time, which will be in 2 weeks. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter, I hope I do this story justice in your eyes. Please, let me know what you think! Please also note that there's a moment or two during this chapter where Jason says some rather disturbing things, but I guess if you've been keeping up with the story, you'll already know that he's a messed up dude anyway, so it may not come as a surprise, still, just to pre-warn you though. I think this story gained a fair few reads this week, so hopefully the number keeps climbing! Anyway, enjoy, I'll be back next week (Easter weekend) for the next chapter! Stay safe out there :)


Chapter 41

Jason's POV

I sit hidden in a new little wooded area. A quiet area, I've realised that nobody comes to the area that I'm hiding in, they only walk past from a distance without a care in the world. I look at the local newspaper, letting out a sigh as I'm unsure of what my next move will be. My picture is on the front page. The front god damn page! I've never been in a newspaper before. I'm not happy about being in it now even though I've technically been talked about on the TV news. It's an appeal for help from the police wanting, or warning the public about me. Shit. How did they figure out that I killed Shannon? I did damn well to cover my tracks with her death. Although in the article it says that I'm wanted in connection with her death, and not so much on suspicion of murder. But I know that murder is what they've figured out. They just can't say that I'm guilty until a court says that I am. Which isn't going to happen any time soon. That's why they can only say 'in connection with'. I guess it could also be for not scaring the public, if they know that there is a murderer walking among them, they'd probably be too scared to step outside of their front door.

I need to get out of here. Out of this country. But not without Alicia, and not without any money. But again, my question is, how?

My phone buzzes from inside my trouser pocket and I see that it's Kyle.

"Hello" I greet, talking quietly so that I don't attract any attention.

"Hey man, how's it going?" He asks, sounding cheerful.

"Great" I answer sarcastically. "Have you seen the news lately?" I ask.

"Erm, yeah. You're a man of interest at the moment, congrats on the screen time, dude" He answers, a little jokingly.

"I didn't do it, Kyle. I was briefly involved with the girl, but I swear I had nothing to do with her death" I lie.

"I know man, I know" He says, seeming to be chill. "Anyway, I've found out why you haven't been able to get hold of Mick Clark. He got arrested and has been banged up since" He informs me.

"Great, that's just what I need! I'm desperate for a fix, bro" I tell him.

"Well then you will be pleased to know that there is somebody else in the area that can help you out" He says. I wait for him to continue. "Her name is Monica, she's Mick's missus, she said she'll meet up with you" He informs me.

"Great, has she got a number that I can call?" I ask.

"Duh!" He answers for a laugh. I don't laugh. "I'll text it to you. She's available to meet up whenever you are, too" He says.

"That's pretty much whenever in my case as well" I chuckle. "Anyway, I'm not sure when we'll next hear from each other, you know, while I'm laying low from being wrongly accused. We'll talk when we can" I say.

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