Chapter 35

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A/N- Hey everyone! Hope you're having a nice weekend and had a nice week. I can't believe we're within the last 10 chapters of this story now! It's great and yet sad at the same time. I'm pleased to see that this story has had noticeable amount of reads again this week, not as much as last week, but it's climbing which is amazing! I still would love for this story to keep gaining more reads, that would be really cool! This chapter is going to be a little bit tense and then end on a bit of a cliffhanger. Time to see what Bella is getting up to without Brodie around! Enjoy the chapter and I'll be back soon for the next one! :P 


Chapter 35

Bella's POV

I wake up as I hear the sound of my alarm beeping. I reach over and turn it off. Today is going to be the day that I starting living my life again, more properly. I've been back with my parents for a week now, and I've hardly stepped out of the house. I've only been out for a walk a couple of times with Hannah, and I was permanently looking around to see who was about.

But last night, just before bed, I realised that I keep saying that I won't let Jason get to me, I won't let him hold me back or scare me anymore. Well, since he found me, that's what I've been doing. Not anymore, I decided last night that I am going to return to work, be with Astor and live a normal day again.

I sit on the edge of my bed, struggling a little bit due to my full-grown bump and I rub my face to wake myself up. I've had to wake up earlier than I usually would for work, considering I'm around a 45 minute drive away. Thankfully dad offered to drop me and pick me up. I tried to insist on getting the bus or a train, but understandably, dad got his way with taking me.

I go into the bathroom and have a quick shower. Now that I'm pretty much full-term with this pregnancy, I'm looking forward to the end where I can hold my son and raise him. But I still have a few more weeks to go, and I really could do with him not coming early, if anything I wouldn't mind him being a few days late. Once I've finished my shower, I get dressed and look half-decent and then go downstairs to get something to eat before we have to go.

"Morning sweetheart" Dad greets as he sits at the dining table reading a newspaper with a cup of tea on the table. I think it's yesterdays paper, unless he was up and down to the shops at the crack of dawn for today's paper.

"Morning dad" I smile as I go into the kitchen to get a plate of toast.

"Did you sleep well?" He asks, in a louder voice to make sure that I can hear him, not that I'm deaf.

"Yeah, you?" I answer, somewhat lying. I couldn't get to sleep at first, took me at least two hours to get off, after that I was unsettled and kept waking up throughout the night. In truth, I've been like this since I moved back here with my parents, but the sleeping has been improving, my first night back I only slept an hour, which wasn't ideal with my condition.

"Yes, thanks" Dad answers. I put two slices of bread into the toaster and get a glass of orange juice while I wait for them to pop back up, then I spread the butter and cut them in half and join my dad at the table. "Are you looking forward to being back at work today?" He asks.

"Yeah" I smile and nod. "It'll be great to see Astor again, and by now I just feel lucky to still have a job, I feel like I've spent more time off work than I have at work" I say.

"You've had your reasons" He says. I know that's the case, but still, I have a guilty conscience.

"And I've been fortunate that my boss and Astor are understanding about the reasons" I point out.

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