Chapter 36

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A/N- Hey everyone, I hope you've all had a good week! The last chapter ended with Bella going into labour, so I guess you can take a wild guess to what this chapter is going to be about, it's a sweet chapter though, and I think that the song included fits rather well if you listen to it in Brodie's POV a little into the chapter itself. It's quite heartfelt and will probably have you admiring Brodie as a man even more than before (if you have been), and Bella is really brave and amazing as always! Then there's Astor and Holden being.. Astor and Holden, haha. I hope you enjoy this chapter, I really enjoyed writing it! Be back soon with the next one!! 


Chapter 36

"No, I-I can't be, it's not time and I'm not ready" I cry out.

"Bella, we need to get you to the hospital" Holden tells me.

"Well then one of you need to radio for an ambulance" Astor tries to instruct them.

"AHHHH!" I scream out in pain.

"I'm not sure that there's enough time" Brodie says upon hearing my scream.

"What?!" I question.

"Well, she needs the hospital, she's having the baby" Astor points out. Brodie and Holden look at each other.

"Hello, anyone serving?" A customer calls out.

"Ugh" Astor groans as she goes to deal with the customer. "That's one pound fifty, please" She says.

"Are you sure?" Holden questions Brodie. Brodie nods.

"Ok, I've closed the door. Shop shut until we get this sorted" Astor says as she rejoins us. "What's the plan then boys?" Astor asks them. Holden and Brodie nod at each other.

"Ok, Bella, here's what we're going to do" Holden starts. I cry out in pain again.

"We'll take you in the patrol car" Brodie explains.

"What?!" Astor and I both question at the same time.

"We're not that far from the hospital, and with the sirens on, we'll be there well within 10 minutes" Holden explains. Brodie crouches down next to me.

"Bella, an ambulance could take a while, labour can last less than an hour or for hours and we can't be sure that you have hours to wait" Brodie explains to me. I cry out in more pain. "Besides, you're in a lot of pain, if we get you there right now, you can get pain relief. Please, let us take you" He says to reason with me.

"They're right, Bella, you're in pain which none of us want for you. You should let them take you in" Astor tells me. I look at them all, looking at Brodie last. He looks desperate to help me. I am in pain, this is labour. Soon my baby is going to be in my arms, whether I'm ready for him to be or not. This is happening.

"Ok. Take me in" I nod.

"Good" Brodie smiles and nods, standing back up. "Holden, help me get her up and into the car?" He requests. Holden nods and they both grab hold of me, helping up off the seat.

"Keep me updated, yeah" Astor instructs.

"Course" Brodie nods. They both begin helping me towards to exit of the shop.

"Wait!" Astor orders. We all stop in our tracks. She passes Brodie my things. "Just in case you're unable to come back for them anytime soon" She says. She then goes in front of Holden and grabs his face, smashing their lips together, taking Holden by surprise.

"We really need to get going" Brodie urges, causing them to pull apart.

"I'll see you later, yeah?" Astor questions Holden.

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