Chapter 43

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A/N- Hey everyone, hope you're all well and had a good week! This chapter is up a little later today because I have had a busy day. There is a song included in this one which is sung sort of mid-way through the chapter, if you're interested, and another little twist with regards to Jason, or Bella, or both! There is one last chapter left which I'll post tomorrow (it's currently past midnight for me, I need sleep after the day I've had, haha). I'm sad that the story has 99% finished, but unfortunately as the time of posting this chapter, the story hasn't reached 1k reads, I had high hopes, maybe it'll gain more reads as I do still believe this is one of my better written stories.. but hey, maybe it wasn't meant to be after-all, it's a shame but, you win some and you lose some, I guess. I have been working on a new story, but it's nowhere near ready for posting, maybe later this year (like autumn time), but not real soon. Anyway, I'll be off, I hope you enjoy this chapter! Be back tomorrow for the very last one!


Chapter 43

A Few Months Later

Bella's POV

A few months ago, I woke up in the middle of the night are a horrible nightmare of Jason killing Brodie and Tommy. Once Brodie had finished comforting me, and I teased him about a marriage proposal, we went back to sleep and I had another dream of Jason. Well, I don't remember if I actually saw Jason in the dream, but I know it was a figure and that the figure was him. In that dream, I fought back against him. For the first time, I had the strength and ability to fight back. He came at me with the intention of attacking me as he always did, this time, I stopped him. I hit back. I kicked him and he fell down, I kicked him a couple more times, then straddled him and punched him over and over again until he was unconscious. But I didn't stop there. No, this man had been torturing me for the last 4 years, abusing me. I had a lot of anger for him that I was unleashing. I went into the kitchen and found the biggest knife that I could and I went back to him. I knelt over him and held the knife against his chest, right where his heart was.

"You'll never hurt me again" I said to him as I started putting pressure against the knife. He started to come around, opening his eyes and looking right into my eyes.

"What are you doing?" He asked, breathing rapidly.

"Something I should have done a long time ago" I told him.

"No, please, Alicia! I'm begging you. Don't do this" He said as he started the panic.

I didn't say another word as I used all of my strength and weight to push the knife down, straight through his chest, until the blade was no longer visible. I watched as he gasped for breath, coughing up blood that splattered everywhere. I twisted the knife around and he screamed out. Then I pull the knife out, allowing his blood to gush out of his body. I stood up and dropped the knife as I watched him gasping for breath, trying to spare his life, but he didn't stand a chance. A few seconds later, he stopped breathing, his eyes wide open as they stayed fixed on me. I felt nothing but relief as I took a few deep breaths, knowing that he was gone and never coming back.

I woke up after that and I could still feel that relief. I wished that the dream was real. That's when I knew that Jason wasn't going to go to prison. I knew that he was going to die, and that I had to make sure that he did. I just didn't know how I was going to do it. I had to think about how I'd kill him and make it look like an accident. I couldn't risk going to prison, losing Brodie and Tommy. Nor could I risk him not going to prison as Brodie explained that there was a risk that he wouldn't be found guilty and be a free man. He'd still chase me.

Then that day that he died, when we were talking in the kitchen. I looked over at a knife as I thought about my dream. I couldn't get it, nor could I kill him that way either, it would have been obvious to the police that I'd murdered him. I didn't know how I was going to do it. I even thought for a moment that maybe I shouldn't do it, that maybe I should just let the police handle him after-all. Then he threatened to kill my son and I knew then that I had to do it, I still had no idea how it would happen. The way that it had happened was just.. I suppose fortunate. Jason ended up dead and we were all alive and going to be ok. All of us, rid of Jason without having to fear the of court letting him go. After a few months of police investigation, them talking to myself, Brodie, Tori and getting all of the evidence, there were no arrests made. The police, DI Wilson and DS's Larson and Lake all agreed that it was self-defence, all an accident that I shouldn't be criminalised for. Which it was. But it wasn't entirely an accident. Like I said, I knew Jason had to die, I just didn't know how to kill him and get away with it. But I did. I killed him and I got away with it. The case is closed and even Shannon Jacobs family are happy. They saw it as that he took her life, he deserved to lose his too.

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